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New series of articles: “Post-COVID’s” effect on national and European growth

Establishing of a new line of EII’s research “block” is a reflection of the Institute’s interest in the changes in modern European political economy’s policies and in the “post-COVID’s” effects on European socio-economic integration, workforce and governance.

The Institute is quite aware that sooner or later the present pandemic will come to an end; but the attention to urgent national efforts in re-shaping political-economy’s structures and formulating adequate measures in tackling any critical situations and/or disasters in future would be always vital both for researchers and for the governance. 

Hence, the EII’s series would cover most vital and –hope – most interesting for our readers “post-pandemic issues”, which could be actually quite numerous. However, the Institute’s focus will be on those political-economy’s issues which are having direct (mostly) and indirect (consequently) effects for the European integration and the perspective growth in the member states. Some initial signs of EEI’s interest in these issues can be seen at:

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Workforce after pandemic: the process of continuous reforms

The “post-pandemic” disruption has dramatically affected a seemingly stable employment’s basic fabric; modern political economy shall include in their strategies new trends in the evolving workers’ socio-economic issues. By developing new political and economic models, all already apparent and not so clear changes on employment and workforce’s issues affecting the labour market shall be taken into consideration. Complexities of the needed reforms involve the multiple effects of the digital and “green growth” transformations on present governance and decision-making.

Dramatic transformations in workforce through the present pandemic have become a serious problem for the governance and the humans. Both are facing with an unprecedented task, i.e. to accommodate the age-old quest for job with the “meaning of life”, the sense of community and new growth pattern; and all that under disruption by the post-pandemic outcomes…

For a proper understanding of the labour market changes, the “social actors” and decision-makers have to take into consideration at least two issues: a) generally new trends in the labour market, and b) consequential changes in the labour unions; both issues will be dealt with in the EII’s publications.      

About the Institute’s research project concerning the “life after pandemic’s” issues in: The first article in the series can be seen at:

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Labour movement in European integration: facing modern challenges

The labour market and trade unions in the EU as a whole and in the member states shall be seen as most important parts in the EU’s doctrine of growth based on “social market economy”, which is a different facet of traditional “capitalism”. Although the covid-pandemic has challenged and jeopardized the implementation of the ambitious EU’s green and digital transition, it didn’t undermine the core aspects of the labour unions’ role in the transformation’s process. Regardless of the differences in the unions’ density among the EU states, the “happiest” nations in Europe are a clear example of the unions’ positive role in progressive growth.    

The covid-pandemic has only additionally underlined a vital aspect in the modern labour union’s issues: i.e. in order for the unions to survive they have to pay attention to mounting problems, which include a reducing role of unions in numerous EU states, changing individual employee’s expectations from the unions and the union’s “surviving” stemming from redrafting of the collective bargaining’s process, etc.

This is the second article in the EII’s complex analysis within the “post-Covid”  research concerning workforce and labour relations issues; a previous one in: 

A general introduction to the series of articles on “post-covid research” and the “Post-COVID’s effect on national and European growth” in:    

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Business and entrepreneurship: tackling post-pandemic challenges

During the post-pandemic period, corporate entities and employers in general have been trying to adapt to new and unexpected challenges while figuring out the perspective development strategies. There are two elements affecting business by corona-virus’ pandemic stemming: a) from external factors, such as changes in global, regional and national political economy, and b) from  internal factors, which include changes in the corporate policies and dynamics inspired by adjusting to diversified consumers’ preferences and other factors affected by the pandemic.

Among the main facets in drafting the survival approaches, businesses have been trying to tackle two main issues: retaining the employees and implementing digital facilities; both would last for perspective strategies while dealing with the pandemic’s negative effects.

Among the changes in the corporate internal structures, while remaining agile, the companies are going tom be increasingly sensitive in corporate social responsibility, as well as in business technology, green and digital transition issues. 


Note. Within the Institute’s “post-Covid” research project, its first part has already covered the workforce and labour relations’ issues affected by the pandemic: references to the following links:, and


The present article covers the second aspect in the “post-covid” research concentrating on some corporate and entrepreneurship issues in modern political economy affected by the “post-Covid” implications.

More on the EII’s project in:

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“Post-covid’s” political economy: facing inevitable changes

Most complicated for central and local governance in the EU states are the issues of the so-called “new normal” and changing economy’s patterns: i.e. already visible and those only slightly seen in the transitional post-pandemic period. Shortly, these changes could be formulated in a fundamental line of changes – drafting new national political economy structures and revising the existing ones. The reassessment shall follow along the three main directions: a) employment and labour market, b) entrepreneurship and SMEs, and c) national governance system.

This article is a first one in the Institute’s “post-Covid agenda” series of research, the direction that has been previously announced in the EEI’s publications; more in:

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