Vital and profitable: European food quality

Views: 117European food is famous for being safe, nutritious and of high quality. Traditional production methods contribute to the EU objective of becoming a global leader for sustainability in food production. The European quality-signs, such as PDO, PGI and GI has proved that sales value of a product with protected names doubled on average than […]

Learning by good examples

Views: 79While Latvian authorities are trying to find to mitigate post-virus’ consequences, Turiba University arranged an online conference on perspective Latvian growth patterns. Taking Singapore as an example (widely known as “the Asian’s tiger”, which during about 50 years turned from a “third country” to a leading global economy), the participants wondered what can be […]

After-Covid: composing a resilient economy’s plan

Views: 126An urgent issue is facing political elites and academic community: i.e. the need to “compose” a strategic plan for a stable and resilient political economy in the post-pandemic period. The plan shall be discussed and finalized now, when all the challenges are clearly seen.

Modern science: providing a viable remedy for the post-pandemic period

Views: 116At the present turbulent times and afterwards, affected by the corona virus, the unprecedented approaches and decision-making in all spheres of socio-economic growth are needed. Scientific community is the only valuable resource in EU and the Baltic States to help the governments in formulating optimal answers to new visions in changing policies, governing structures, […]