European economy in recent prognoses for 2024-2026

Views: 52According to the recent macro-economic prognoses, the European economy is “slowly recovering”; as inflation continues to ease and private consumption and investment growth pick up. Besides, unemployment is at record low level and growth is set to gradually accelerate over the next two years. However, structural challenges and geopolitical uncertainty heavily impacted the EU-wide […]

Digital transition and European financial market perspectives

Views: 37Modern financial technologies, so-called fintech are already greatly facilitating progressive development of the global and European financial markets. Indeed, the better access to financial services and its efficiency’s improvements, due to digital transitions, are benefiting private and public financial systems. The EU’s approach to digital finance is specific and includes several items dealing with […]

Single market for capital: European investment policy through reforms

Views: 33The EU-wide capital markets “union” represents a vital part of the continental integration efforts and aims to create a single market for capital. Among other issues, it is about activating available capital and money in the form of investments and savings to “flouting freely” across the EU member states in order to benefit consumers, […]

“New economics” vs. modernized political economy: comments on “the call”

Views: 176At the end of October, two distinguished scientists, Professors Leonardo Becchetti and Jeffrey Sachs published a “call” for a “new economics” based on research, teaching and practice. The idea aims to assist “humanity facing many deep challenges”. The future cohort of economists is going to create “humane, just, peaceful, productive and sustainable” economic systems. […]

European industrial strategy: new incentives for decarbonized future

Views: 169European competitiveness in the world is a multi-facet phenomenon comprising several sectors in the member states’ political economy’s models. BusinessEurope is concentrating on industrial transformation, energy issues, investments, renewables, etc. For example, recent conference in Denmark was devoted to a new EU-wide industrial strategy with strategic reviews of EU energy and climate policies. 

The EU is going to be enlarged by another several countries

Views: 27At the end of October 2024, the European Commission adopted the annual Enlargement Package, providing a detailed assessment of the state of play and the progress made by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Türkiye, on their respective paths towards the EU accession. The […]

New European “competitiveness deal”: a declaration is on the way…

Views: 148Since the fundamental report on European competitiveness appeared in mid-2024 (Draghi report), the issue has become a priority in numerous EU institutions and in the member states’ governance. The European Business Intelligence has attracted attention to competitiveness in view of preparing for a special EU “competitiveness deal” devoted to resolving some hot contemporary issues […]

Financing European integration: present and distant priorities

Views: 39It’s never too late to think about future priorities: in the wake of compiling new Commission’s college, the EU legislative institutions are formulating some distant priorities to fund from the Union’s budget. The Commission’s idea is that the member states should more actively adapt reforms which include the EU-wide objectives thus “optimizing” the Union’s […]

New European economic governance: facing the future

Views: 124New economic governance framework aimed “fitting for the future” has been adopted recently: the EU-wide governance system is the answer to vital politico-economic and geopolitical challenges. Hence, the new system addressed modern realities by creating perspective fiscal policies in the states, e.g. by improving sustainability of public finances the states will promote growth, provide […]

Circular economy: towards effective national guidance and management

Views: 44Circular economy’s effective implementation needs both theoretical and practical analysis. So far in most states around the world there is an evident lack of adequate research and comprehensive theoretical framework on the issue. The European Union suggests some vital guidance in positive management of this vital part of modern political economy both in governance […]