European “energy union”: anatomy of growth and challenges

Views: 24Two years ago the EU launched the European Green Deal, which included the clean energy transition as a major component of the Union’s “energy union”, alongside five other energy directions. That means, greater efforts will be required by the member states in reaching on one side, for a goal of cutting net emissions by […]

The European economic future: governance’s issues for 2022

Views: 32The EU governance traditions are based on long-term strategies (concentrated in the political guidelines adopted by each Commission’s team at the start of the term) and short-term programs adopted for each year (the latter are discussed and adopted each fall). This time, in the Commission’s work program for 2022 (called CWP-22) there were announced […]

Energy issues and LNG in Europe and the Baltics (part I)

Views: 22Natural gas currently represents around a quarter of the EU’s overall energy consumption: about one third is used in power generation (including combined heat and power plants) and around 23 percent in industry; the rest is mostly used in the residential and other services sectors. The EU’s gas demand is around 485 billion cubic meters […]

Sustainability in modern political economy: resolving pressing issues

Views: 33The old “political-economy’s” paradigm is facing dramatic challenges: with the two spheres of science involved (i.e. economics and political science), the concept is being “refurbished” towards closer and inherent “unified connections” between the two to concentrate on the most optimal national growth models and peoples’ wellbeing. The latter in particular, is becoming a common […]