National recovery plans: sustainability perspectives through the EU support

Views: 41The EU institutions have accelerated since the end of 2020 support for the states’ recovery-resilience plans with the ever biggest package of stimulus. In line with the member states recovery strategies and plans, agreed by the Commission during 2021, the states are implementing presently these plans under strict Commission’s surveillance. Some ideas behind the […]

Educational challenges: global and European dimension (part VIII)

Views: 52Revealing global and European facilities and means in strengthening education as a public endeavor and “common good” is important to streamline an optimal education strategy as a model for other countries to emulate. Quality education can steer the digital and green transitions, make teaching profession valuable in unlocking every person’s potential in contributing to […]

Employment and workforce: main outcomes of the educational revolution (part VII)

Views: 36One of the main goals in educational reform is to provide contemporary social-economic development with required skills and profession to tackle modern challenges. In dealing with recovery-resilience plans, as well as “green”, digital strategies and the SDGs implementation, the states are introducing fundamental transformation in the national education policies adequate to modern employment trends […]

Education revolution: increasing role for science, research and innovation (part VI)

Views: 58Practical application of existing and modern achievements in science and innovation is among main “instruments” in education reforms; it is vital in several aspects: as a fundamental background to build the process of acquiring knowledge and as a necessary requirement for providing adequate skills for new directions in sustainable growth. 

Education revolution: the role of EU institutions, management and law (Part V)

Views: 56The EU institutions are exercising their management, executive and administrative functions to support and coordinate the states’ measures in education and training. In implementing necessary education policy changes, the EU has developed a set of legislative instruments forming a vital part in the perspective European education revolution. In this way the EU responds to […]

EU regional assistance and the member states’ growth perspectives

Views: 41Significant regional disparities in terms of economic well-being, income and unemployment still exist in the EU-27. EU’s regional aid aims at supporting economic development in disadvantaged areas while ensuring a level playing field among the member states. Present Regional Aid Guidelines specify two main items: a) conditions under which regional aid may be compatible […]

Towards European “education union”: strategy for universities (part IV)

Views: 44The process of a newly forming European “education union” is full of resolute efforts aimed at coordinating and supplementing member states’ education policies. Among these efforts there is a focal one: creating a “unified” European Education Area (expected for completion by 2025) to serve as a vital driver in harnessing socio-economic progress and employment […]

Education revolution: sustainability in the EU states’ education policies (Part III-II)

Views: 57Implementing sustainability goals is specific in each state subject to national growth priorities; but the needs for transformative types of education policies are universal. All levels of national education have to incorporate SDGs into their courses, modules and curricula; the process includes teaching new skills (as well as re-skilling in vocational training) in accordance […]

Education revolution: introducing sustainability in modern political economy (part III-I)

Views: 38Among education policies’ vital challenges are those of introduction in schools and universities new programs concerning practical implementation of the UN Sustainability Goals (SDGs), which are presently form a compulsory part in national agendas in all modern states. Present EU political economy’s paradigm in the socio-economic integration is already adapting legal and managerial tools […]

European energy policy: facing tough time in the states

Views: 41European energy sector is at a cross-road: on one side, energy consumption is increasing, with a simultaneous dependence on the external energy supplies; on another side, the EU long-term strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 needs additional constructive policy’s re-formulation at […]