Eco-food and national quality products: advantages for European farmers

Views: 28Eco-food and eco-farming are entering European agricultural producers’ priorities. The EU is acting to further protect national “specifics” through specialty’s guaranteed, designation of origin and other indications. This direction in national agro-policies can provide a perspective competitive edge to local farmers both in the EU and around the world. 

European social market economy: new aspects for business and entrepreneurship

Views: 66European approach to social market economy’s perspectives encompasses a variety of businesses and organisations: e.g. SMEs and cooperatives, mutual benefit societies and non-profit associations and foundations. A common denominator in all of them is that their activity is constantly addressing people and society’s interests to produce positive impact on local communities and pursuing social […]

Recovery perspectives and “smart specialization” in the Baltic States

Views: 59In modern national development paradigm there are two main components: recovery and resilience; however, “smart specialisation” also helps to catch-up with the competitive European and global markets. Therefore these smart strategies serve as a vital element in national recovery and resilient plans towards socio-economic modernisation. Examples from the three Baltic States reveal similar and […]

Happiness in Europe and the world: lessons to learn

Views: 52Global attention to “happiness” has already a decade’s history: analytics assemble data on peoples’ lives in most of the countries around the world. Some trends are somehow quite remarkable recently: i.e. importance of income and GDP has been decreasing in the pools, while happiness was more often associated with the general aspects of wellbeing […]

Transforming education and training: main national priority

Views: 44Education and training have become the main drivers for both the workforce and national growth; only these to priority spheres in national strategy can actually help to improve innovation and competitiveness, employability and productivity. In a broader sense, education is a key pre-condition for an adequate national response to contemporary challenges and achieving sustainable […]

Geopolitical issues in energy market: strategic European “re-powering”

Views: 34Accelerating clean energy transition, increasing energy independence from unreliable suppliers and reducing volatile fossil fuels’ import, coped with climate obligations, etc. are the burning issues in the present EU integration process. Besides, new geopolitical and energy market realities require prompt and radical measures at both the EU and the member states’ levels. 

National recovery plans: sustainability perspectives through the EU support

Views: 2405The EU institutions have accelerated since the end of 2020 support for the states’ recovery-resilience plans with the ever biggest package of stimulus. In line with the member states recovery strategies and plans, agreed by the Commission during 2021, the states are implementing presently these plans under strict Commission’s surveillance. Some ideas behind the […]

Educational challenges: global and European dimension (part VIII)

Views: 65Revealing global and European facilities and means in strengthening education as a public endeavor and “common good” is important to streamline an optimal education strategy as a model for other countries to emulate. Quality education can steer the digital and green transitions, make teaching profession valuable in unlocking every person’s potential in contributing to […]

Employment and workforce: main outcomes of the educational revolution (part VII)

Views: 40One of the main goals in educational reform is to provide contemporary social-economic development with required skills and profession to tackle modern challenges. In dealing with recovery-resilience plans, as well as “green”, digital strategies and the SDGs implementation, the states are introducing fundamental transformation in the national education policies adequate to modern employment trends […]

Education revolution: increasing role for science, research and innovation (part VI)

Views: 61Practical application of existing and modern achievements in science and innovation is among main “instruments” in education reforms; it is vital in several aspects: as a fundamental background to build the process of acquiring knowledge and as a necessary requirement for providing adequate skills for new directions in sustainable growth.