Recent European Social Dialogue: the tripartite social summit

Views: 22After the adoption of a new Pact for a European Social Dialogue, the EU-wide social summit took place recently (19 March, 2025). The Tripartite Summit is a forum for dialogue between the EU institutions, the member states and the social partners; the summit’s main theme was “Bringing Europe back on track in a challenging […]

Advanced materials, textiles and photovoltaics: boosting innovation in EU

Views: 15European Commission initiated some measures in advancing EU’s technological leadership and sustainability by creating three new EU-wide partnerships on advanced materials, textiles and photovoltaics. Established under Horizon Europe, these partnerships will drive growth, sustainability and resilience, contributing to a strong, inclusive and globally competitive growth in the member states. 

New EU initiatives for investment and innovation

Views: 68Offering the EU citizens broader access to capital markets and better financing options for companies can foster citizens’ wealth, while boosting the EU-wide economic growth and competitiveness. Firstly, the households will have more opportunities to invest in capital markets; secondly, businesses will have easier access to capital to innovate, grow and creative employment. 

Air quality in the EU and the world: new data

Views: 59Air pollution represents a great danger and critical threat to both human health and environmental stability. However, the vast majority of population remains unaware of these threats, though respiratory sickness is the second largest threat to health in the EU after cardio-vascular. Data about air quality in the EU-27 and around the world helps […]

AI in Europe and the world: legal and executive factors

Views: 9During last decade, i.e. mainly from 2018, the EU institutions have been approaching the burning artificial intelligence (AI) issues. The “accommodation” process has been quite active: from the initial “declaration of cooperation” with the EU member states and serious funding to several AI Alliance assemblies to a Union-wide strategy on AI and European AI […]

The EU maintains coordinated policies to protect consumers online and offline

Views: 5On the World Consumer Rights Day (15 March) the Commission underlines the need to ensure proper consumers’ rights implementation and enforcement, improving digital fairness through and addressing existing gaps. Efficient consumer policy can make a tangible difference in people’s lives and help ensure a level playing field for businesses, showing the added value of […]

Recent infringement decisions concerning the states in the Baltics

Views: 8In its regular package of infringement decisions, the European Commission pursues legal action against some member states for failing to comply with their obligations under EU law. We have chosen only these decisions that cover various sectors and EU policy areas in the Baltic Sea region; they generally aim to ensure the proper application […]

Renewable hydrogen in accelerating the EU’s green transition

Views: 114The establishment of a binding Union renewable energy target for 2030 was aimed to continue encouraging the development of technologies which produce renewable energy (including hydrogen) and provide certainty for investors. The EU-wide target would leave greater flexibility for the member states to meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets in the most cost-effective manner […]

EU efforts to support clean industrial development in the member states

Views: 19New Commission proposal aims to ensure that the member states can have the EU’s support to facilitate implementation of the EU-wide “clean industrial deal” without causing undue distortions of competition in the European single market. The Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework provides for some measures to integrate the EU-wide industrial development, competition as well […]

Consumer protection in the EU: screening online traders

Views: 9In order to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market (based on a high level of consumer and environmental protection) and making progress in the green transition, the consumers shall be fully informed on purchasing conditions. In March 2024, the new directive obliged the member states by March 2026 to adopt necessary […]