Teaching sustainability: cross-sectoral and holistic approaches

Views: 25Five years ago, at the SDGs’ inception, the stakes and optimism were high: world leaders thought that the simple adoption of almost perfect sustainable goals and actions would lead to successful national policies. However, as it always happens, the developmental realities appeared to be rather different. The article is showing some challenges facing education […]

Boosting digital economy and technologies: new initiatives

Views: 45Drafting optimal perspectives in digital society and economy issues are able to enhance national recovery and resilience plans. While preparing these plans for the Commission’s adoption (drafts shall be ready this fall and final versions next April) the states have to include numerous digital transitions’ aspects. To assist the states, the Commission issued (in […]

State of the Union: effect for the European scientific community

Views: 33The State of the Union address (SOTU-20, 16.09.20) formulated some main challenges and solutions for perspective rather numerous and urgent socio-economic issues. Commission’s orientation for scientific community includes the directions with serious implications for national recovery and resilience. Although the main priorities for years to come are those on strengthening the European social market […]

Strategic planning in the European integration: Commission’s complex approach

Views: 56Perspectives in the European integration have been always in minds of EU’s governance; presently, the “future” -called strategic foresight – is being formulated in seemingly plain words, i.e. towards a more resilient Europe. The latter is approached through four main directions: socio-economic, geopolitical, green and digital. However, European integration’s political economy – more than […]

“Integrated education” in Europe: EU’s attempts to make European-wide universities

Views: 344The idea of “European Universities” has become already a key building block for the European integration efforts in the continent’s education sphere. Starting with 17 EU-universities a couple of years ago, the EU-wide “university clusters” presently are enlarged to 41; they are involving 280 institutions in the EU-27 and around. The initiative is backed […]

Managing COVID-19: additional support for science and innovation

Views: 29To succeed against the coronavirus, the states must see the socio-economic aspects and the most optimal ways in using available funds, explore modern technological solutions, first of all to monitor the spread of diseases and provide a better care for patients. These means, secondly, use of numerous digital solutions and technologies’ applications, e.g. telemedicine, […]

After-Covid: composing a resilient economy’s plan

Views: 39An urgent issue is facing political elites and academic community: i.e. the need to “compose” a strategic plan for a stable and resilient political economy in the post-pandemic period. The plan shall be discussed and finalized now, when all the challenges are clearly seen.

Modern science: providing a viable remedy for the post-pandemic period

Views: 54At the present turbulent times and afterwards, affected by the corona virus, the unprecedented approaches and decision-making in all spheres of socio-economic growth are needed. Scientific community is the only valuable resource in EU and the Baltic States to help the governments in formulating optimal answers to new visions in changing policies, governing structures, […]