Transition to carbonized economy: “correcting” EU priorities

Views: 19There are already serious reservations concerning the EU’s net-zero growth, as well as about “indefinite delay” of corporate sustainability rules and a “far-reaching simplification”. These and other issues were mentioned recently by Von der Leyen, Commission President in Davos. However, some EU officials in headline commitments note that in the context of the Green […]

Developmental transition: global-national priorities through ESG and AI approaches

Views: 20Modern national growth concepts tend to include the ESG approaches, which are composed of environmental, social and governance components. Within this triangle, the governance often becomes a priority, particularly in the business sectors, in digital transition and data management. For the whole process to be successful, “managing” existing volumes and complexities of information becomes […]

“Positive sustainability” in growth: European governance strategies

Views: 23The European approach in growth is, generally, a result and an outcome of the EU-wide adopted political economy pattern based on the concept of “social market economy” in which the regulatory and governance strategies have been dominating for decades. The EU has conducted recently several “hybrid efforts” on strengthening the EU’s leadership in sustainability, […]

World Economic Forum-2025: collaboration in a digital age

Views: 134World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at the end of January 2025 is devoted to some of the most pressing contemporary issues: from trust in public institutions and transforming global economy to modern resilient societies and innovative global partnerships to “safeguarding the planet” and corporate transformations in the digital, as WEF called it, the “intelligent […]

European AI legal standardization involves about 700 companies

Views: 65The European AI law is the first set of rules in the world aimed at regulating digital infrastructures, including virtual assistants, large language models, AI and ChatGPT, etc. Although it was published last August, the regulation will apply gradually: e.g. some AI provisions already from August 2024, the general-purpose AI rules – a year […]

European Semester in the Autumn Package: modern analysis in growth

Views: 32In November, the Commission assessed the first set of medium-term plans, the draft budgetary plans of the euro zone member states and revised the excessive deficit procedure; presently, the second Autumn Package adopted this December by the new Commission’s staff focused on promoting policy actions to benefit the euro area, monitoring macroeconomic imbalances and […]

EU in the global competition: political economy’s perspectives

Views: 39The best way for the EU in tackling modern challenges is through sustainable growth, more productive economy, as well as preserving democratic values and social inclusion. However, increasing productivity and competitiveness in the world, the EU needs radical reforms: first, accelerating innovation and finding new growth models; second, reducing high energy prices (while continuing […]

Strengthening multidimensional approaches to wellbeing: challenges and policies

Views: 27Among most vital issues in global and national politics are wellbeing and security: the former is managed by the national growth pattern (reflecting measures to overcome modern challenges), the latter is guided, generally, by the international factors and efforts. However, in the wellbeing approaches both dimensions are important… 

European AI factories: using massive computing facilities

Views: 49The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking, EuroHPC has selected seven proposals to establish and operate the first AI Factories across Europe. This is a major milestone for Europe in building a thriving digital system to train advanced AI models and develop AI solutions. AI models and systems are expected to develop the EU-wide […]

Striving for sustainable growth: Arab League’s efforts in education

Views: 48The Arab League, uniting 22 member states, has adopted a higher education and scientific research framework aimed at leveraging technology, ensuring academic quality and fostering partnerships to position higher education as a driver for achieving global Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. At the same time, education providers assist in transforming national political economies along the […]