Perspectives for farmed seafood in seas around Europe

Views: 50Farmed seafood has been for long identified as a low-carbon source of food and feed; additionally, algae have a growing number of potential commercial uses in such sectors as pharmaceuticals and plant bio-stimulants, bio-packaging, cosmetics and biofuels. With the recent EU’s “algae initiative”, the Commission wants to unlock EU algae sector potentials by supporting […]

European-wide economic governance: macro-fiscal surveillance in the states growth

Views: 42Presently, the European Commission seeks to create a more transparent, simpler and integrated architecture for macro-fiscal and structural policy’s surveillance in the states to better deliver on the objectives of ensuring debt sustainability and promoting perspective growth. 

Navigating growth and employment: EU’s skills agenda for 2023

Views: 44The idea of making 2023 the European Year of Skills stems from the intention to strengthen the member states’ competitiveness in the world, with a better focusing on investments, supporting the SMEs and matching employment needs with people’s aspirations and talents. Having relevant skills empowers governance sectors successfully navigate changes in the job market […]

Attention to researchers and businesses: big help from the EU

Views: 45EU funding for innovative researchers and businesses in low-carbon technologies has turned a new page: the European Commission has launched presently a third call for large-scale projects under the EU Innovation Fund. With a budget doubled to €3 billion, the new 2022-call for projects intends to boost the deployment of industrial solutions to decarbonise […]

EU funding for Latvia with €4.6 billion: supporting progressive growth

Views: 83The EU financial assistance to Latvia with €4.6 billion through the Union’s cohesion policy funding up to 2027 is aimed at supporting economic growth, territorial cohesion and improving social fairness. EU funding will be invested in national green and digital transitions, in boosting innovation in the economy, as well as in healthcare and social […]

Reuters’ NEXT global forum: a vital platform for fruitful discussions

Views: 40Reuters’ NEXT global forum is an interesting, noble though complicated initiative in a set of a world-wide network contemplating modern challenges. However, it is a timely one at the right moment with present global and regional problems with enormous geo-transformations and calamities. Four key themes are in the forum’s agenda: leadership in times of […]

EU integration through the EU’s “Skills year-2023”

Views: 42New Commission’s skills-initiative for 2023 seems to be too complicated to deliver within just a year: it is involving all three existing “division of competence” between the EU and the member states. Some, as the education policy, is almost fully in the states’ competence shared; however, the initiative touches upon important issues vital for […]

Quantum computing in EU: solving complex issues

Views: 35European long-term vision in research on quantum technologies is to develop EU-wide quantum internet with computers, simulators and sensors which are interconnected via quantum communication networks. New quantum computers will be capable of solving complex problems relating to such vital areas as health, climate change, logistics, or energy usage in a matter of hours, […]

Science and research in solving major global-national problems

Views: 46Present multi-faceted crises’ period and associated global challenges represent a strong wake-up call for modern governance structures in finding most optimal ways to recovery and resilience. A great helping hand comes from all sectors of science (exact, natural, social, etc.) to provide national decision-makers with an expert opinion on resolving national priorities in political […]

EUSBSR in successful cooperation: the ways forward

Views: 174The set of articles on the EU’s macro-regional strategies (and the EUSBSR, in particular), was aimed at: first, informing the readers about present Baltic Sea countries’ issues; second, showing the role of numerous organizations involved in the progressive strategy’s implementation; and third, to visualise the strategy’s ways forward…