“Post-covid’s” political economy: facing inevitable changes

Views: 54Most complicated for central and local governance in the EU states are the issues of the so-called “new normal” and changing economy’s patterns: i.e. already visible and those only slightly seen in the transitional post-pandemic period. Shortly, these changes could be formulated in a fundamental line of changes – drafting new national political economy […]

Baltic States perspective strategy in view of the European financial resources

Views: 68The EU’s multi-annual budget for 2021-27 with about € 1,2 trillion and allocated € 750 bn as a “rescue package” for the states need the European Parliament and the national decision-makers to “prove” that the Commission’s expected set of measures and reforms is worth the investment. The rescue package’s “division” into loans (€360 bn) […]

“Post-corona recovery”: Baltic States’ enhancing responsibility in priorities

Views: 38All EU states, including those in the Baltic Sea area are facing with an urgent task of discussing and adopting the “post-pandemic” socio-economic policies. The latter have to be responsive to peoples’ needs and be oriented to optimal future growth strategies. Such a task requires adequate analysis of countries’ specific sectoral priorities and re-assessment […]

Managing COVID-19: additional support for science and innovation

Views: 29To succeed against the coronavirus, the states must see the socio-economic aspects and the most optimal ways in using available funds, explore modern technological solutions, first of all to monitor the spread of diseases and provide a better care for patients. These means, secondly, use of numerous digital solutions and technologies’ applications, e.g. telemedicine, […]

After-Covid: composing a resilient economy’s plan

Views: 39An urgent issue is facing political elites and academic community: i.e. the need to “compose” a strategic plan for a stable and resilient political economy in the post-pandemic period. The plan shall be discussed and finalized now, when all the challenges are clearly seen.

Modern science: providing a viable remedy for the post-pandemic period

Views: 54At the present turbulent times and afterwards, affected by the corona virus, the unprecedented approaches and decision-making in all spheres of socio-economic growth are needed. Scientific community is the only valuable resource in EU and the Baltic States to help the governments in formulating optimal answers to new visions in changing policies, governing structures, […]