Clean technologies in European manufacturing: vital legal measures

Views: 70The EU legislative institutions adopted recently the Net-Zero Industry Act, NZIA which is aimed at strengthening the member states’ manufacturing capacities in key clean technology sectors. By creating a unified and predictable business environment for the clean-tech manufacturing, the NZIA increases the competitiveness and resilience of the EU’s industrial base, supports quality jobs creation […]

Extraordinary supporting measures in decarbonization: French example

Views: 48The European Commission has approved a €4 billion French scheme to support national measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing sector and help the country’s transition path towards a net-zero economy; the measures are in line with the EU-wide Green Deal Industrial Plan. The national scheme is also vital in supporting […]

Carbon neutral sources of energy: European vision

Views: 24According to the EU ambitious plans, the member states should transform national economies in line with the EU-wide integrated approaches using sufficient instruments and promoting the most energy efficient and renewable source for all developmental sectors. Besides, the approach will be supplemented by promoting a system efficiency leading to a reduction of energy required […]

Carbon removal market in modern political economy: global and European approaches

Views: 33The process of mitigating negative climate-effective measures in national development includes several general (involving altering political economy’s facets, etc.) and specific means (like adaptive measures concerning increasing healthy environment and reduction of emissions, etc.). The article deals with some aspects of these pressing issues.  

Biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU: perspective strategy

Views: 80In March 2024, the Commission proposed a series of actions to boost biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the member states. In the Commission communication, existing challenges and barriers are identified in the process of “building the future with nature”; some other measures are visualized coped in line with the EU-wide long-term competitiveness program. These twin-sectors […]

Practical guidance to the AI’s future: Scandinavian initiative

Views: 28Artificial intelligent experts, business leaders and policy makers are governing at the Future Talent Summit in Stockholm (June 18-19) to discuss the AI’s impact on numerous social, corporate, educational and cultural issues. It is regarded as the most influential AI conference this year in Europe and the world with regarding a “paradigm shift” in […]

European new governance framework: reshuffling political economy’s patterns

Views: 86The new EU-wide economic governance framework is designed to assist the member states in dealing with the modern challenges and accomplishing the recovery/resilience process. Hence, the reform underlines two indispensable and mutually reinforcing directions: the prudent fiscal strategies (as well as investments) and transitional efforts that enhance sustainable and resilient political economies. Our comment […]