The EU Modernisation Fund’s disbursements: supporting “green deal”

Views: 55In its second year of operation, the European “modernisation fund” has disbursed over €4 billion in support of 61 projects in eight beneficiary countries. During summer 2022, about €2.4 billion was already disbursed to support 45 investment proposals; it is now complemented by another €1.71 billion disbursement to support another 16 investment projects into […]

European legislative future: perspectives for 2023-24

Views: 42Presidents of the three most vital EU institutions –the Parliament, Council and Commission – signed a joint declaration on the legislative priorities for the EU member states during 2023-24. Joint declaration formulates the EU’s vital components of European integration in the years to come: numerous working documents accompanying the declaration include 164 key legislative […]

New EU agro-policy: strategic guidelines and national plans

Views: 56In mid-December 2022, the Commission finalised national strategic plans in ago-policies: 2023 is going to be the year of new directions in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, CAP with orientations on not only on fair, flexible, greener and more social agricultural production; the EU CAP will also promote sustainable and high quality agro-food both […]

European circular economy initiatives: new opportunities for business

Views: 48The Commission adopted a couple of legislative drafts to assist the member states’ economies and businesses towards more circular and carbon neutral development. The EU has already adopted the “green deal”, which is aimed at ensuring that all packaging in the EU market is reusable or recyclable in an economically viable manner by 2030. […]

New challenges for business: sustainability and environmental quality

Views: 412European Environmental Bureau sends a warning signal: “no more business as usual”. Thus, to produce goods and services the European companies have to respect human health, sustainability, environmental quality and bio-diversity. It is, basically, about introducing new rules in entrepreneurship; however, some stumbling blocks are still tarnishing present progressive moves including corporate governance resistance […]

European energy policy: political and economic implications

Views: 48At the end of November 2022, the EU-27 member states reached some vital politico-economic decisions on critical energy-related issues. These decisions are not only important for resolving EU-wide current energy crisis; now the states must move forward to implement as swiftly as possible tough decisions, which include also some “market correction mechanisms”. Soon the […]

Sustainability: altering priorities in modern politics and economics

Views: 52At the 10th annual international conference on sustainable development (September 19-20, 2022), the EII presented a paper that had been awarded the “best paper at the conference” among over 160 presented. As soon as the EII’s work attracted so much attention, we decided to publish it for our readers.

COP-27: perspectives for climate change’s mitigation

Views: 58Perspective solutions concerning climate change were discussed at a yearly summit of world leaders in Egypt this November. Although skepticism towards any new solutions generally dominated the discussions, some decisions are well worth mentioning, e.g. creating a special fund for “loss and damages” for states suffering most. However, strange enough, global leaders still are […]

Perspectives for farmed seafood in seas around Europe

Views: 50Farmed seafood has been for long identified as a low-carbon source of food and feed; additionally, algae have a growing number of potential commercial uses in such sectors as pharmaceuticals and plant bio-stimulants, bio-packaging, cosmetics and biofuels. With the recent EU’s “algae initiative”, the Commission wants to unlock EU algae sector potentials by supporting […]

European-wide economic governance: macro-fiscal surveillance in the states growth

Views: 42Presently, the European Commission seeks to create a more transparent, simpler and integrated architecture for macro-fiscal and structural policy’s surveillance in the states to better deliver on the objectives of ensuring debt sustainability and promoting perspective growth.