Rule of law in the European Union: new annual report

Views: 43The rule of law is crucial for both citizens and business in the EU: it is a precondition for the respect of other values and it guarantees that fundamental rights are upheld in line with a set of core democratic values; it ensures the application of EU law and supports an investment-friendly business environment. […]

Digital trade: assisting the EU-wide growth and digital transition

Views: 12Digital trade accounts for about a quarter of all international trade; it has been growing at a faster pace than traditional trade. The EU is the world’s leader in both exports and imports of digitally deliverable services, which amounted to €1.3 trillion in 2022, or over half of the EU’s total trade in services. […]

COP-29: continued fossil fuel consumption versus emission’s control

Views: 22Authorities in Azerbaijan – the country hosts this year’s global climate summit COP29 – suggest that continued fossil fuel extraction might be compatible with the global climate agreement. With four months to go until COP29 kicks off in Baku, the Azerbaijani presidency announced a flurry of initiatives, non-binding pledges and partnerships to be signed […]

Anatomy of digital finance in the European Union

Views: 24The EU-wide specific financial framework, i.e. the capital markets union, has been at the heart of the Commission’s ambition in boosting growth, supporting innovation and promoting European global competitiveness. The EU financial sector has the potential to multiply sustainable finance and become a global leader in this area. The sector is having also a […]

Altered European political economy: challenges and solutions

Views: 33European Union is a constantly moving and adapting “mechanism” for the continental integration. Recently, the EU leaders have abandoned, in part or in whole, the previous political-economy’s theories and principles they cherished for so long; hence the EU-27, as it seems, has set aside the geopolitical corporate competition. However, the leaders are trying to […]

Priorities in Europe and NATO: climate change and AI strategy

Views: 17Both the EU and NATO are exploring policies in managing modern challenges. Among most vital and new are the climate mitigation efforts and digital transition. In the EU these items have been already developing for some years, in NATO they are generally started two-three years ago. Somehow, there are certain similarities in approaches and […]

Innovation’s agenda in the EU-27: uneven progress

Views: 14Perspective and innovative companies in Europe are the background of resilient, diversified and modern single market. The EU is trying to use all its potentials in improve “innovation climate” and its quality in the global innovation race. However, statistical account in the newly published innovation scoreboard, as well the complicated nature of innovation, needs […]

European beautiful future: facing complex global challenges

Views: 17The European Pact for the Future suggested by the European Environmental Bureau, EEB is a recent initiative aimed at driving fundamental changes in the existing political-economy’s patterns. The general Pact’s goal is “a green and social deal for a one-planet economy”, as postulated in the EEB’s leaflet. This September, world leaders will convene at […]

Climate change and the “green deal”: the EU at a cross-road

Views: 14The European climate objectives of the green deal are widely shared and consensual among the EU leaders and newly elected European legislators in the Parliament. Commission insisted that the goals of climate protection and nature conservation would remain unchanged for the next several years. After consultation with industry and farmers, the Commission has “proposed […]