Facing global challenges: European climate action’s strategy revealed at COP-27

Views: 48Annual global conferences on climate change usually attract leaders from around the world; this time is COP27 UN Climate Change Conference taking place in Egypt during November. The European Commission will address participants with a plea to take urgent practical actions to bring down greenhouse gas emissions and respect the commitments already made in […]

Attention to researchers and businesses: big help from the EU

Views: 51EU funding for innovative researchers and businesses in low-carbon technologies has turned a new page: the European Commission has launched presently a third call for large-scale projects under the EU Innovation Fund. With a budget doubled to €3 billion, the new 2022-call for projects intends to boost the deployment of industrial solutions to decarbonise […]

Global active fall-2022: world in transformation pressed by challenges and risks

Views: 49This November is tensely compacted with numerous global – as well as some national – events that can help us both understand the world “moving around” and show some perspective paths towards stable and prosperous future out of emerging crises. The state of global order is definitely affecting European integration’s process.  

EU Digital Market Act: main part of the Union’s digital strategy

Views: 49New EU Digital Market Act (DMA) will fundamentally change existing online trade and services. After the DMA enters into force – it shall apply from 2 May 2023 – digital/online platforms will behave in fair and competitive ways. Generally, new legal means will provide for contestable and fair markets in the European digital sector. […]

European human capital and skills in need of transformation

Views: 58Most of present global/European challenges can be solved only by modernising training and education towards newly needed skills and qualifications. The EU member states are advised using “human capital” in a most efficient way; however, while having one of the European strongest labour markets in decades, most companies, and even national governance structures, are […]

European citizens and SMEs supported competition policy

Views: 62As is known, competition issues are within the exclusive competence of the EU institutions and bodies. It means competition rules and practices are universal among all member states. Thus, the Commission’s executive Vice-President M. Vestager, acknowledged that while “improving life of citizens and SMEs, competition brings better prices, more choice and increased innovation”; therefore, […]

EU funding for Latvia with €4.6 billion: supporting progressive growth

Views: 88The EU financial assistance to Latvia with €4.6 billion through the Union’s cohesion policy funding up to 2027 is aimed at supporting economic growth, territorial cohesion and improving social fairness. EU funding will be invested in national green and digital transitions, in boosting innovation in the economy, as well as in healthcare and social […]

Commission’s working plan for 2023: confirming integration process

Views: 61On 18 October 2022, the Commission adopted its work program for the next year to deal with modern challenges and looming crises and with a due attention to the ongoing EU-wide green and digital transformations. Making the member states more resilient, the Commission will support both people and businesses by reducing energy prices, securing […]

European Political Community: vital step in formation

Views: 69In the beginning of October 2022, a special even took place for the European political elites: the EU-27 leaders hold a historic meeting in Prague Castle -though an informal one –joined by participants from over a dozen nearby countries, e.g. the UK, Turkey, Ukraine, etc. At the inaugural meeting of the European Political Community, […]

EU integration through the EU’s “Skills year-2023”

Views: 48New Commission’s skills-initiative for 2023 seems to be too complicated to deliver within just a year: it is involving all three existing “division of competence” between the EU and the member states. Some, as the education policy, is almost fully in the states’ competence shared; however, the initiative touches upon important issues vital for […]