Views: 60The Commission selected 159 projects for funding under Erasmus+ program (Capacity Building for Higher Education), which supports the modernisation and quality assurance of higher education in third countries worldwide. These projects respond to the EU-wide aim of supporting international cooperation in the fields of higher education, improving education systems, as well as strengthening socio-economic […]
Category: Modern EU
Green transition: Europeans view the perspectives
Views: 56Over half of Europeans think that transition to a green economy should be accelerated regardless of the increasing energy price and concerns over reduced Russian gas supplies. Most people believe that climate change is a serious problem; but two-thirds agree that: a) the cost of damage due to climate change is much higher than present level […]
Civil law in Europe: expecting fundamental changes
Views: 57Legal practitioners have to find innovative solutions to resolve newly appeared situations in the European life: i.e. in accessing a foreign law, addressing administrative procedures in another EU states, facing unknown foreign legal situations, etc.
Fading European economy’s motor: frightening deindustrialization in Germany
Views: 59Recent article in Politico revealed some frightening for the EU-wide growth signs of economic decline in Germany. The main reason is a “toxic mixture” of such new factors in contemporary growth as high energy costs (though in some EU states energy prices have already fallen to pre-2012 levels), skilled-worker shortages and red tape, etc. […]
The Rule of Law-2023 report: yearly’s assessment and recommendations
Views: 59The rule of law is a key component of Europe’s just society, political stability and economic growth. The fourth annual “Rule of Law Report-2023” reveals legal development and the “rule of law” situation in the EU member states; we added an example for Latvia.
Corruption as a major problem in the European business
Views: 414Corruption is a serious problem that hampers corporate activity in the EU: about 65% of companies in the EU have regarded presently that corruption is a problem when doing business, though the extent of corruption varies considerably among the states.
European strategy for universities: progress and perspectives
Views: 60Since the end of 2017, the EU institutions and the member states’ governance have elaborated a number of initiatives (following the Gothenburg Summit) aimed at reforming the EU-wide vision for education and culture. Thus, the European strategy for universities aims at supporting and enabling universities to adapt to changing conditions, to thrive and to […]
Modern transitions in business and due diligence
Views: 60The European Union sends a warning signal – “no more business as usual”; thus, to produce goods and services companies have to respect sustainability, environmental quality, human health, bio-diversity, etc.; hence, new rules in entrepreneurship shall be introduced. However, some stumbling blocks are still tarnishing present progressive moves including corporate governance resistance to changes; […]
“Green business” in modern European political economy
Views: 61Modern global challenges affected national socio-economic development through numerous directions: e.g. digitalisation (and other outcomes of the 4th industrial revolution), sustainability requirements, climate mitigation efforts and “green growth” agendas; the latter have ignited fundamental reforms in political economies, as well as in European and national guidance’s systems. Almost all spheres of socio-economic development in […]
“Green transition” in the EU: additional investments’ examples
Views: 90Several EU member states which lack resources for a proper national “green” transition and climate mitigation (i.e. Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia) have received recently sufficient support from the EU investment facilities. The amounts disbursed in June 2023 are bringing the total disbursements from the Modernisation Fund since […]