Digital economy and society: perspective directions in EU integration

Views: 38Modern technological revolution has fundamentally altered traditional ways the national economy and society have been functioning. The European Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is monitoring the states digital progress in four key areas: human capital, connectivity, digital technology’s integration and digital public services. DESI shows that several EU states still struggle to close […]

European projects in innovative energy and clean technology

Views: 42Under the third round of awards under the Innovation Fund, the EU invests over €1.8 billion in 17 large-scale innovative clean-tech projects. Grants will help bringing breakthrough technologies to the market in energy-intensive industries, hydrogen, renewable energy, carbon capture and storage infrastructure, as well as in manufacturing key components for energy storage and renewables. […]

EU law in progress: rule of law report-2022

Views: 40During recent years, the rule of law has been a prominent European issue; newly published Rule of Law Report (RLR-22) assists in informing political and economic elites in the states on vital legal elements in the European integration. Besides, the annual RLR represents a central instrument in the EU’s efforts towards practical promotion of […]

EU “taxonomy”: measures in clean transition and sustainability

Views: 31One of the EU’s main present objectives is to reach climate neutrality in the member states; hence, appropriate and complex political and legal means shall be taken by national governance in order to decouple from external use of fossil fuels and reduce pollution in the European accelerated “clean transition”. Taxonomy, as a new EU […]

Perspective EU’s energy transition: plans and realities

Views: 39To achieve energy targets and the continent’s climate neutrality strategy by 2050, the EU adopted its first energy transition plan which defines actions aimed at ensuring the delivery on the net-zero ambition. During last decade several EU-wide measures were introduced to make the states’ energy strategies competitive, secure and sustainable in a fast-changing global […]

Minimum wage in Europe: crediting social-democrats’ initiatives

Views: 34Expected deal among EU institutions on a minimum wage directive represents a key milestone in a decade-long social-democrat’s fight for fair wages. The directive is aimed at better wages for Europe’s lowest paid workers and will help millions of low paid workers EU-wide at a time when citizens contend with climbing living costs and […]

Digital transformation in action: improved roaming in Europe

Views: 40New rules extend “roam-like-at-home” concept until 2032; travelers in the EU and the EEA countries can call, text and surf abroad without extra charges. The rules are also beneficial for businesses and citizens to enjoy a better roaming experience and quality of mobile service both abroad and at home. New rules also improve access […]

European cultural heritage: digital dimension

Views: 37Facilitating cooperation in preserving European cultural heritage, both material and intellectual is among recent EU efforts. Researchers and museum professionals, artists and tourist operators, etc. shall be more active in safeguarding regional cultural heritage by enable easy access to cultural content and allowing future generations to enjoy it for years to come. These efforts […]

Modernising energy systems in central and eastern European states

Views: 42The Modernisation Fund, MF is a recent European Union program to support 10 EU member states in the central and eastern parts (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) to meet EU-2030 energy targets by helping to modernise energy systems and improve energy efficiency. The MF operates under the […]

New European environmental program: an impetus to reach for SDGs

Views: 37In May 2022 the EU institutions adopted the eight in a row European environment action program (8th EAP), which provided the EU member states with the legal background for the continental environment policy up to 2030. The action program reiterates the EU’s long-term vision to 2050 of “living well, within planetary boundaries”.