Green transition as a complex European growth strategy

Views: 31The EU-wide directions towards green transition represent novice politico-economic trends which include a set of nine vital sub-strategies, with each having an important as well as complicated implementation structure on the EU member states’ national level. 

Infringement cases and legal actions against EU states

Views: 33The European Commission regularly publishes infringement decisions to pursue legal action against EU states for failing to comply with their obligations under the Union’s law. These decisions in various EU policy areas aim to ensure the proper application of EU law for the benefit of citizens and businesses. 

Social partners’ participation in employment and growth

Views: 21About one thousand European Works Councils already exist in the EU-27 member states. They promote a shared understanding of the transnational challenges facing large multinational companies and the involvement of employees in the decision-making process, with the objective of exchanging on possible solutions, facilitating their implementation and increasing the impact of strategic choices made […]

The EU’s banking union: history and perspectives

Views: 16Among numerous sectoral “unions” within the European Union’s architecture there is one that affects citizens’ everyday’s life. It is the banking union that ensures that banks in the member states are strong and supervised in an efficient way. However, there are some differences in the EU’s banking union and the capital markets union.  

Measuring “green transition” in Europe: good example for the world

Views: 15National recovery and resilience plans in the EU member states include, among other items, measures aimed at active contribution to the EU’s guidelines on implementation of the European “green deal”. Measures to eliminate dependence on Russian fossil fuels and facilitate the “green transition”, as set out in the REPowerEU Plan, shall be however in […]

Additional measures to facilitate renewables in Europe

Views: 16The European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement to reinforce the Union’s Renewable Energy Directive. This deal makes a vital step closer to complete the “Fit for 55” legislation on the EU’s “green deal” and the REPowerEU objectives. 

Cutting red-tape will assist business and the EU digital transformation

Views: 17New Commission’s proposal is aimed at cutting red-tape in corporate activity, improving its efficiency and facilitating trust in corporate entities working in the European single market. Besides, the proposal is about achieving more digitalised and connected cross-border national public services for all companies, in particular for SMEs.  

“Made in Europe’s idea” through clean-tech and hydrogen

Views: 17By global challenges and a drive towards climate neutrality, the EU member states will need a massive scale-up of clean technology (clean-tech, in short) in numerous manufacturing sectors in renewables: batteries, solar panels, heat pumps, electrolysers, wind turbines, etc. Main European regulatory measures include the net-zero industry act and hydrogen option. These initiatives need […]

Towards educational revolution: two vital steps forward

Views: 16Along the mainstream directions in the world-wide educational reforms, two vital issues attracted our attention this March: the global recognition of universities’ certificates and the idea of “reinventing” higher education. The former –after about eight years of deliberation- culminated in the UN global convention; the second issue is about the role and place of […]

European modern energy transition: one year after

Views: 19The European plan on rapid reduction on Russian fossil fuels, clean energy transition and industrial adaptation to different energy sources/supplies is called REPowerEU Plan. It was adopted a year ago as the EU response to energy market disruptions and a necessary provider for a huge shift in the whole EU energy system.