Views: 53“Acta Prosperitatis”, Journal of Turiba University, Latvia, No.11, 2020, pp. 42-56. In: link:
Category: Good for business
European rescue plan and solidarity
Views: 52The new financial supplement to the rescue plan with €750 bn and a long-term €1.1 trillion for 2021-27 will be discussed on 19 June. It seems that nationalism dominates over solidarity, as differences in approaches are to large…
EU and the Baltics: assisting in crisis
Views: 90Present EU data shows that the pandemic shock is unprecedented; and so are the EU and the states’ measures in supporting affected economy sectors. Some states, e.g. Denmark take the EU’s support seriously…
Support for Latvian farmers
Views: 72European Commission has approved Latvian scheme to support companies active in the primary agricultural production sector affected by the coronavirus outbreak in a volume of €1.5 million. Now it is the competence of Latvian authorities to evenly distribute the allowed support for most needed. In this way the EU assists the states in national […]
Vital and profitable: European food quality
Views: 49European food is famous for being safe, nutritious and of high quality. Traditional production methods contribute to the EU objective of becoming a global leader for sustainability in food production. The European quality-signs, such as PDO, PGI and GI has proved that sales value of a product with protected names doubled on average than […]
Learning by good examples
Views: 51While Latvian authorities are trying to find to mitigate post-virus’ consequences, Turiba University arranged an online conference on perspective Latvian growth patterns. Taking Singapore as an example (widely known as “the Asian’s tiger”, which during about 50 years turned from a “third country” to a leading global economy), the participants wondered what can be […]