Hydrogen: a new priority for the European energy sector

Views: 42Attention to climate-neutrality in the world and in Europe has shown increasing common commitments: about 90% of the countries have committed themselves to emission reduction by 45% by 2030. The “green hydrogen” is one of the safest ways to practical implementation; this clean energy has become a best solutions: now, the second European Hydrogen […]

Post-COVID effect on modern competition: European Commission’s vision

Views: 10Competition policy remains a vital tool that serves the needs of all EU states: consumers benefit from lower prices, wider choice and higher quality; workers gain from a vibrant labour market, and corporate entities benefit from innovative, diverse and reliable market inputs on a level playing field. However, the pandemic and modern challenges required […]

Modern trends in European integration: “smart specialization” in the Baltic Sea region

Views: 20The article is addressing only some though quite vital changes concerning EU’s single market perspectives in line with the contemporary division of labour and more coordinated political economies in the member states. The idea of a so-called “smart growth” and member states’ “specialization” coined into the EU integration sphere a decade ago is not […]

Combating money laundering: new EU efforts

Views: 24Serious gaps concerning money laundering existed for a long time in the EU legal framework; now the Commission adopted a draft of regulatory package to plug these gaps. So far, existing varied rules in different EU states on money laundering (ML) have been largely ineffective, costly and without much success. New measures would include […]

First European PPP financing in the Baltics: improving transport facilities

Views: 43The European Investment Bank, EIB decided to finance the design, construction and maintenance of a bypass of the 17.5 km to the stretch of the E67/A7 motorway that currently passes through the municipality of Kekava. The project also includes four major grade-separated interchanges and sections with lanes for local traffic; all the works are […]

Product safety in the EU: consumer’s protection shall be extended

Views: 28Protection of the EU’s consumers is going to be more efficient by updating and modernizing existing rules in line with the modern digital challenges. The direction of changes would fit into the consumers’ increased expectations for goods and services’ quality with the corresponding changes in the national economies. With the support of the EU […]

Corporate taxation: European and global challenges

Views: 33It has been generally acknowledged that both the sources of international tax system during the last century and some basic concepts of tax residence have been outdated. Business practices are now regularly carried out in “favourable” states without being physically present; the digital transition in economies has also led to new opportunities in manipulating […]

EU cohesion policy: a vital part in European integration

Views: 32In contemporary European integration, the Union’s cohesion policy serves as an important instrument in resolving the member states’ development issues; this policy, in particular, provides the EU states with necessary resources to level-up growth and prosperity. Although the main goals of the EU cohesion policy remain generally the same (e.g. promotion of economic, social […]

Minimum wage issue: resolving inequality in Europe

Views: 15At the end of 2020, the European Commission took an important step towards securing adequate minimum wages for all workers in the EU. These ideas were included into a draft Directive aimed at reversing the growing polarisation of incomes and the increasing actions in eliminating the in-work poverty. These cardinal steps are to change […]

Lithuanian RRP: the Commission’s assessment and approval

Views: 28The European Commission has assessed the national recovery and resilience plan (RRP) based on main criteria set out in the EU regulation. A supporting staff-working document provides detailed documentation on the EU’s assessment of the Lithuania’s RRP in supporting the green and digital transition, in providing a balanced response to the socio-economic situation and […]