Reforming European automotive industry

Views: 3The EU institutions (mainly the Commission) have suggested a “holistic EU strategy” for the European automotive sector to manage modern challenges and adapt needed efficiently applicable regulatory framework. The EU-wide dialogue during the next year will formulate implementing measures for a modernized sector. Besides, the reforms on Germany, the leader in the EU economy […]

Made in Europe: promoting EU agriculture and food

Views: 2European Commission co-finances and also directly organizes campaigns and events to promote EU farm products worldwide. This is carried out under the slogan “Enjoy, it’s from Europe”, which aims to raise awareness of the efforts made by European farmers to produce quality products. These promotional activities help boost their profile on EU and international […]

Financing European integration process: latest Commission’s funding plan

Views: 9European integration process is an expensive endeavor: i.e. quite often ambitious plans exceed available resources. Hence, the Commission, on behalf of the member states terns to borrowing on international capital markets. For 2025, the Commission anticipates issuing approximately €160 billion in EU bonds, ensuring consistent support for its borrowing-based programs. 

European AI factories: using massive computing facilities

Views: 10The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking, EuroHPC has selected seven proposals to establish and operate the first AI Factories across Europe. This is a major milestone for Europe in building a thriving digital system to train advanced AI models and develop AI solutions. AI models and systems are expected to develop the EU-wide […]

The European vision for agriculture and food policy

Views: 18In September 2023, Commission announced the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture; it was launched in January 2024 and brought together participants from the European agro-food sectors, rural communities and academia to reach a common understanding and vision for the future of Union’s farming and food systems. Specific EU Board on Agriculture […]

Discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials

Views: 28During the whole week, i.e. 9-13 December, over a thousand participants from industry, administration, civil society, research and academia will come together to discuss policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials. The week’s activities are assisted by the recent Critical Raw Materials Act, CRMA, which entered into force in May 2024; the […]

EU in the world – agreement with the Mercosur bloc

Views: 15Positive progress made during the last decades, allowed the EU and Mercosur, through an intense process of negotiations, “to adjust” their relationships according to challenges facing national, regional and global governance. During last two years both sides conducted several rounds of negotiations and committed to the present agreement, which is not only serving increased […]

First risk assessment under the Digital Service Act

Views: 28The providers of the first 19 very large online platforms (VLOPs) and very large search engines (VLOSEs) designated in April 2023 must publish their annual risk assessment and audit reports for the first time, under the Digital Services Act (DSA). The reports shall include such aspects of their services as e.g. dissemination of illegal […]

European external trade: negotiations and perspectives

Views: 20The EU Foreign Affairs Council on Trade exercises – on behalf of the member states – trade negotiations with the outside world (so-called EU common commercial policy); this work is within the so-called exclusive EU competences. The EU trade Commissioner provided an overview of some bilateral trade negotiations: the EU already has the largest […]

Recent EU-Bond issuance to support European integration

Views: 33According to the EU basic law, the European Commission is capable of borrowing on the international capital markets (on behalf of the EU) to finance EU integration programs. The EU has already a well-established name in debt securities markets, with a track record of bond issuances over the past 40 years. Borrowing by syndicated […]