Views: 34Present global and European challenges, as well as post-pandemic turbulences and military conflicts around the world, have dramatically altered both existing national political economies’ patterns and functioning of businesses and corporate management. National governance has to tackle both: dealing with modern challenges and stimulating new business models’ development. Factors accompanying modern business transformation are […]
Category: European integration’s future
European energy and climate: incentives for growth and business
Views: 31Another “double strategy” –energy and climate -is being implemented in the EU-27 states’ national recovery: i.e. the two aspects in states priorities are, actually, closely integrated and interconnected. The strategy provides vital orientations for both national political economies’ priorities and for incentives in perspective business models: that is, climate and energy issues are becoming […]
EU-wide legal protection for local skills, crafts and industries
Views: 42The EU is already having specific protection mechanism for agro-food products, so-called geographical protection, GI. However, the industrial and manufacturing sectors presently lack an EU-wide mechanism to protect “qualities” attributed to specific local skills and traditions relating to such crafts and industrial products as ceramics, glassware, clothing, lace, jewellery, furniture, knives, etc. The Commission […]
Regional development in the member states through EU’s assistance
Views: 34Reducing disparities in socio-economic development among the EU states and regions is an important issue in European integration. Therefore, the EU regional strategies form a vital part in the national recovery and resilience plans through the use of numerous funds supporting regional growth patterns. However, most often the local authorities do not have adequate […]
Sustainability in the European priorities and cohesion policy
Views: 28Contemporary global challenges greatly affect all EU policies, in particular regional and cohesion: both directions are having solid sustainability’s implications and therefore are being heavily supported by the European budget.
EU agricultural policy: resolute decisions in tough time
Views: 32European consumers’ protection shall be more efficient by modernizing rules to follow citizens’ increased quality expectations in goods and services. Corresponding changes in the national economies will follow, as consumers’ preferences will “transform” agro-sector’s production in a more digital, green and sustainable way. The EU institutions will support the initiative.
Eco-food and national quality products: advantages for European farmers
Views: 16Eco-food and eco-farming are entering European agricultural producers’ priorities. The EU is acting to further protect national “specifics” through specialty’s guaranteed, designation of origin and other indications. This direction in national agro-policies can provide a perspective competitive edge to local farmers both in the EU and around the world.
Conference on the European future: closer to a final stage
Views: 30This is a short reminder for our readers that follow the work of the Conference on the Future of Europe: at the end of March, it is seen being closer to the final phase, following last exchanges on preliminary draft proposals across all the conferences’ main themes.
European social market economy: new aspects for business and entrepreneurship
Views: 45European approach to social market economy’s perspectives encompasses a variety of businesses and organisations: e.g. SMEs and cooperatives, mutual benefit societies and non-profit associations and foundations. A common denominator in all of them is that their activity is constantly addressing people and society’s interests to produce positive impact on local communities and pursuing social […]
Recovery perspectives and “smart specialization” in the Baltic States
Views: 37In modern national development paradigm there are two main components: recovery and resilience; however, “smart specialisation” also helps to catch-up with the competitive European and global markets. Therefore these smart strategies serve as a vital element in national recovery and resilient plans towards socio-economic modernisation. Examples from the three Baltic States reveal similar and […]