EU law in progress: rule of law report-2022

Views: 20During recent years, the rule of law has been a prominent European issue; newly published Rule of Law Report (RLR-22) assists in informing political and economic elites in the states on vital legal elements in the European integration. Besides, the annual RLR represents a central instrument in the EU’s efforts towards practical promotion of […]

New European environmental program: an impetus to reach for SDGs

Views: 21In May 2022 the EU institutions adopted the eight in a row European environment action program (8th EAP), which provided the EU member states with the legal background for the continental environment policy up to 2030. The action program reiterates the EU’s long-term vision to 2050 of “living well, within planetary boundaries”. 

European historic climate legislation to be finalized in mid-2022

Views: 16 The world’s most ambitious set of climate laws is being discussed among the EU institutions; e.g. the European Parliament voted recently on about half the Commission’s “Fit for 55” mega-law package, setting the stage for negotiations with EU governments in the Council after the summer break. With eight proposals and hundreds of amendments, […]

EU law and justice system: recent scoreboard’s vision

Views: 22The rule of law is an important part of the Union’s integration process; thus, the new scoreboard is particularly vital in post-pandemic crisis, highlighting importance of digitalisation of justice as one of the means to keep courts open and provide open access to justice. Together with the annual “rule of law report”, the EU […]

EU-wide legal protection for local skills, crafts and industries

Views: 27The EU is already having specific protection mechanism for agro-food products, so-called geographical protection, GI. However, the industrial and manufacturing sectors presently lack an EU-wide mechanism to protect “qualities” attributed to specific local skills and traditions relating to such crafts and industrial products as ceramics, glassware, clothing, lace, jewellery, furniture, knives, etc. The Commission […]

European social market economy: new aspects for business and entrepreneurship

Views: 36European approach to social market economy’s perspectives encompasses a variety of businesses and organisations: e.g. SMEs and cooperatives, mutual benefit societies and non-profit associations and foundations. A common denominator in all of them is that their activity is constantly addressing people and society’s interests to produce positive impact on local communities and pursuing social […]

Education revolution: the role of EU institutions, management and law (Part V)

Views: 33The EU institutions are exercising their management, executive and administrative functions to support and coordinate the states’ measures in education and training. In implementing necessary education policy changes, the EU has developed a set of legislative instruments forming a vital part in the perspective European education revolution. In this way the EU responds to […]

Education revolution: introducing sustainability in modern political economy (part III-I)

Views: 16Among education policies’ vital challenges are those of introduction in schools and universities new programs concerning practical implementation of the UN Sustainability Goals (SDGs), which are presently form a compulsory part in national agendas in all modern states. Present EU political economy’s paradigm in the socio-economic integration is already adapting legal and managerial tools […]

“Taxonomy” and energy security in Europe

Views: 34European Commission is preparing an executive’s legislative proposal (taxonomy’s delegated act) for sustainable investment guidelines into nuclear and gas energy projects coped with the EU’s green transition programs. The proposal is about “classifying conditions” (hence, the taxonomy) in accommodating nuclear and gas energy sources in the member states’ recovery and resilience measures. 

Perspective “federalism” in the member states’ recovery and resilience

Views: 31European integration is proceeding presently along certain “federal lines”: i.e. new division of competence between the EU institutions and the member states has been fixed in the EU basic law (in effect for already a couple of decades) is slowly but decisively entering the states’ socio-economic sectors. These “federal lines” have to be in […]