Critical raw material supply chains in Europe

Views: 35The entry into force of the European Critical Raw Materials Act, CRM it is vital step in the EU-wide efforts aimed at ensuring diverse, secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials for the member states’ industrial development. For example, secured access to critical raw materials is essential for such strategic sectors as clean […]

EU-wide priorities at the end of the Commission’s term…

Views: 41The Commission President underlined several priorities that have been valid at the end of the Commission’s College five years’ term: public investments in strategic sectors (with the stress on commodities), reducing the cost of energy, addressing the labor and skills shortage, and facilitating external trade.  

“Repowering” Europe: energy policy’s strategy in action

Views: 40Specific EU-wide program called REPowerEU is aimed at assisting the member states in three main developmental directions: a) saving energy, b) clean energy production and use, and c) diversifying the states’ energy supplies coped with a wide use of renewables. The program’s implementation helps, e.g. to safeguarded the households in EU and businesses from […]

Targeted actions to boost European bio-technology and bio-manufacturing

Views: 53Present socio-economic, demographic and environmental challenges are reinforcing the bio-economy’s industrial dimension and its closer links with the biotechnology and bio-manufacturing sectors. Corresponding Commission’s actions will contribute to stronger economy in the member states and stimulate the demand and market uptake for bio-manufactured products. 

European social market economy: the concept of stable growth

Views: 54The European integration “project” with its seventy years experience is based on a specific development model called “social market economy”, in which the member states’ growth sectors are heavily regulated by the EU institutions. Particularly, the post-pandemic period has shown the growing amount of the EU support for “managing” the states in the transition […]

New EU-wide consumer protection rules are expected

Views: 127Consumer protection is within a shared competence among the EU institutions (mainly, the Commission) and the member states’ authorities. The member states, generally, are responsible for enforcing consumer rights, with the EU having some coordinating and supporting functions. Therefore among the rules in place are mostly directives, e.g. regulating “common” better enforcement and modernisation […]

EU-wide plans to achieve sustainability: updating national plans

Views: 36In December 2023, the Commission called on the member states’ governance to enhance national efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and set out clearer plans on adaptation to climate change. Besides, the Commission also invited the states to better prepare for an increased uptake of renewables and to enhance energy efficiency measures.