New EU initiatives for investment and innovation

Views: 68Offering the EU citizens broader access to capital markets and better financing options for companies can foster citizens’ wealth, while boosting the EU-wide economic growth and competitiveness. Firstly, the households will have more opportunities to invest in capital markets; secondly, businesses will have easier access to capital to innovate, grow and creative employment. 

Recent infringement decisions concerning the states in the Baltics

Views: 8In its regular package of infringement decisions, the European Commission pursues legal action against some member states for failing to comply with their obligations under EU law. We have chosen only these decisions that cover various sectors and EU policy areas in the Baltic Sea region; they generally aim to ensure the proper application […]

European sustainability: balancing market and regulatory means

Views: 95The set of regulations in the EU-wide sustainability sectors presently include several initiatives: EU Green deal, the EU Taxonomy package, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D), as well as the recent Clean Industrial Deal; the latter is a “joint roadmap for the European competitiveness and decarbonisation”, […]

Managing financial risks in the European Union

Views: 29During last five years, the EU’s budget has been increasingly relying on different financial instruments to leverage on the EU-wide budget power to assure more efficient use of public resources. Borrowing and lending operations and budgetary guarantees have supported investments and economic recovery in the member states, while providing support for the EU international […]

Environmental law and justice in Europe: Commission launches a discussion

Views: 104The European Commission has launched a consultation concerning the draft amendments to the State aid Implementing Regulation 794/2004 and to the State aid Best Practices Code (BPC) in preparation to new rules on access to environmental justice following the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee’s findings revealed in several cases. 

Transposing the EU directives: infringement decisions in January 2025

Views: 21In eleven socio-economic spheres, i.e. in the field of environment, financial stability and services, capital markets union, justice, taxation and VAT, mobility and transport the EU-27 member states have not transposed the EU directives. The Commission’s decisions acknowledge, on one side the EU institutions intention to streamline the Union-wide legal framework; on another, is […]

Transition to carbonized economy: “correcting” EU priorities

Views: 19There are already serious reservations concerning the EU’s net-zero growth, as well as about “indefinite delay” of corporate sustainability rules and a “far-reaching simplification”. These and other issues were mentioned recently by Von der Leyen, Commission President in Davos. However, some EU officials in headline commitments note that in the context of the Green […]

European AI legal standardization involves about 700 companies

Views: 64The European AI law is the first set of rules in the world aimed at regulating digital infrastructures, including virtual assistants, large language models, AI and ChatGPT, etc. Although it was published last August, the regulation will apply gradually: e.g. some AI provisions already from August 2024, the general-purpose AI rules – a year […]

Reforming European automotive industry

Views: 30The EU institutions (mainly the Commission) have suggested a “holistic EU strategy” for the European automotive sector to manage modern challenges and adapt needed efficiently applicable regulatory framework. The EU-wide dialogue during the next year will formulate implementing measures for a modernized sector. Besides, the reforms on Germany, the leader in the EU economy […]

New European Commission’s College: competences and roles for next five years (Part I)

Views: 175In the President Ursula von der Leyen’s proposal for the new College’s political guidance this September, some new priorities have been formulated with specific tasks assigned to the future “EU-ministers” for the next 5 years. The first article deals with the College’s leadership (i.e. Commission’s executive vice presidents), the second, will “cover portfolios” of […]