New European Commission’s College: competences and roles for next five years (Part II)

Views: 160The second article covers portfolios of twenty new Commissioners, who are popularly regarded as the European “sectoral minister”. As soon as their portfolios include numerous competences and capacities, it is appropriate limiting “presentations” in a divided form according to present College political priorities. It is also worth mentioning that the new staff starts practical […]

Emission reduction targets: carbon market rules and “clean” investments

Views: 29Since the European Green Deal was adopted at the end of 2019, the EU has committed to reaching climate neutrality by 2050. This objective became legally binding with the adoption and entry into force in 2021 of the European Climate Law. This EU-wide legislation sets an intermediate target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions […]

Clean energy transition: global and regional perspectives

Views: 187As is known, extensive use of fossil fuels is dangerous for the global climate and individual health; it also puts a strain on many regional economies, industries and businesses. Hence, there are many good reasons to speed up the energy transition including more active renewable policies both world-wide and in regional/national domain. 

Recent EU-Bond issuance to support European integration

Views: 38According to the EU basic law, the European Commission is capable of borrowing on the international capital markets (on behalf of the EU) to finance EU integration programs. The EU has already a well-established name in debt securities markets, with a track record of bond issuances over the past 40 years. Borrowing by syndicated […]

Europe for Africa: a package of assistance

Views: 33The EU-Africa Global Gateway Investment Package supports African states in jointly identified projects in commonly agreed priority areas. The Global Gateway projects are focusing on accelerating green and digital transition, creating sustainable growth and jobs, as well as supporting health systems and improving education and training. 

“New economics” vs. modernized political economy: comments on “the call”

Views: 169At the end of October, two distinguished scientists, Professors Leonardo Becchetti and Jeffrey Sachs published a “call” for a “new economics” based on research, teaching and practice. The idea aims to assist “humanity facing many deep challenges”. The future cohort of economists is going to create “humane, just, peaceful, productive and sustainable” economic systems. […]

Global “Pact for the Future”: what is there for Europe?

Views: 33During the UN summit this September, the heads of state and government adopted the Pact for the Future, which will serve as a guiding global commitment –including 56 actions – to address pressing international issues, accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and revive multilateralism. The Pact’s optimal realisation will need serious reforms both […]

Renewables in Europe: refreshing priorities

Views: 54In March 2023, the EU together with the International Energy Agency has formulated a sort of “global movement” that would help Europe and participating states to stay within 1.5 degrees Celsius and push the clean energy transition forward. The proposed “global targets” also included the EU-wide efforts to triple renewables and double energy savings […]

“Pact for Future”: a green and social deal for a one-planet economy

Views: 37During some days this September (22-24.09), the UN’s Summit of the Future convened in the UN’s headquarters, serving as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges, will address gaps in global governance and reaffirm devotion to already existing commitments. The European Union has already a feasible and comprehensive plan for a “green […]

EU-wide competitiveness: challenges and perspectives in Draghi report

Views: 107The former European Central Bank president revealed his long awaited (with about four hundred pages) publication, the so-called Draghi Report. Main report’s message is to invest in “prospective growth” patterns to increase the EU-wide low presently productivity and avoid “slipping behind” the US and China. Present development period is described as the EU’s “existential […]