Higher education qualification’s recognition: towards European degree label

Views: 59A year-long EU project, initiated and guided by the European Commission, advised the European Universities Alliances to examine and facilitate the delivery of the joint European degree “label”. The European approach for joint programs, adopted by the member states’ education ministers can ease external quality assurance, based on Bologna process’ criteria, and bring more […]

Digital facilities in education: assisting SDG’s implementation

Views: 57The education providers around the world are experimenting with learning and teaching the newly needed skills and “going out” of conventional classrooms by providing virtual-learning possibilities and technologies.. The problem is actually doubled: it is about global challenges and reforming national education policy to make the process of acquiring new skills more efficient. In […]

Education policy in Latvia: urgent reforms are needed

Views: 102The number of students in Latvia during the last two decades dramatically decreased: from about 131 thousand in 2005 to 74 thousand presently. About half of the students enrolled in 52 higher education institutions are in bachelor programs, about a quarter at masters’ level, three percent are in doctoral programs, plus about 20 percent […]

European educational revolution: progressive factors

Views: 57Presently there are a number of vital issues in the revolutionary process of educational transformation in the EU member states. Some of them are covered in this article: such as , for example, contemporary complex challenges in the revised education policies, global and European regulatory measures in education, the EU’s twin transition in the […]

Monitoring SDGs in the European Union

Views: 59National obligations to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs require more active monitoring and control over reforms and measures. In eighth monitoring reports issues by Eurostat during last fifteen years some progress and drawbacks are seen to show national efforts in sustainability.  

Education and training in the EU for 2024: new initiatives

Views: 61With a budget of €4.3 billion for 2024, the Erasmus+ program will support transnational experiences of school pupils, students in higher education, as well as vocational education and training. The program also offers numerous opportunities to adult learners, educators, teaching staff and young people in non-formal learning programs.   

University alliances: ways to reform EU-wide and states’ education policies

Views: 54The European University Alliances, EUAs are having already a turbulent history: initiated in 2018, there presently about 50 universities’ networks from numerous European countries “uniting” 430 higher education institutions, HEIs in 35 countries. The process is really revolutionizing the EU-wide education and training, however not without some drawbacks.  

European Education Area: initiatives towards more interconnected continent

Views: 53Due to supplement EU competence in education and culture, the European Education Area, EEA is a process of intensive dialogue and joint actions with the member states. Hence, the EU member states actively cooperate to overcome existing and coming challenges adding to the momentum of creating the EEA; the efforts are based on Commission’s […]

European digital decade: progress and perspectives

Views: 63At the end of September 2023, the Commission published first “Digital Decade Report” revealing EU’s progress towards digital transformation as set out in the “Digital Decade Program-2030”. The report highlights the need to accelerate and deepen the EU-wide efforts in policy measures and investment in digital technologies, skills and infrastructures. Besides, it includes concrete […]

Educational quality and policy transformations

Views: 62In the mid-term of SDGs implementation, education providers in Europe and around the world attract attention to qualitative content in dealing with sustainability issues. The process is complicated due to the fact that modern approaches to sustainability are inherently based on bridging existing gaps between rapid development of natural, exact and social sciences, technology […]