Views: 99The reason to launch a new “union” is that Europe is facing a skills crisis that threatens its competitiveness, innovation and ability to adapt to global challenges. Skills shortages and gaps are widespread: about four in five SMEs struggle to find workers with the right skills, particularly in breakthrough technologies like AI and quantum […]
Category: Education and training
aimed at reviewing modern trends in online education, with specifics in professional and general education and teaching at various education levels (graduate and post-graduate), as well as “teaching sustainability” direction
Transition to carbonized economy: “correcting” EU priorities
Views: 19There are already serious reservations concerning the EU’s net-zero growth, as well as about “indefinite delay” of corporate sustainability rules and a “far-reaching simplification”. These and other issues were mentioned recently by Von der Leyen, Commission President in Davos. However, some EU officials in headline commitments note that in the context of the Green […]
World Economic Forum-2025: collaboration in a digital age
Views: 133World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at the end of January 2025 is devoted to some of the most pressing contemporary issues: from trust in public institutions and transforming global economy to modern resilient societies and innovative global partnerships to “safeguarding the planet” and corporate transformations in the digital, as WEF called it, the “intelligent […]
European social market economy: concept and development
Views: 37The European integration project is based –in part- on an attractive and ambitious idea of “uniting” the adherent member states along involvement in the so-called “social market economy” model. Among its most vital elements (mainly, in the social security system) are such issues as, e.g. occupational pension, universal health care and unemployment insurance. These […]
Striving for sustainable growth: Arab League’s efforts in education
Views: 48The Arab League, uniting 22 member states, has adopted a higher education and scientific research framework aimed at leveraging technology, ensuring academic quality and fostering partnerships to position higher education as a driver for achieving global Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. At the same time, education providers assist in transforming national political economies along the […]
Discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials
Views: 43During the whole week, i.e. 9-13 December, over a thousand participants from industry, administration, civil society, research and academia will come together to discuss policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials. The week’s activities are assisted by the recent Critical Raw Materials Act, CRMA, which entered into force in May 2024; the […]
European digital transition: AI in education
Views: 50During several years, the exponential growth of digital technologies has enabled both unprecedented socio-economic growth and educational development. Thus, the rapid integration of AI in higher education has offered unprecedented opportunities to enhance teaching, learning, research and administration. However, these opportunities are accompanied by significant risks and ethical challenges that have to be addressed […]
AI factories to facilitate continental collaborative framework
Views: 61The EU’s intention is to acquire “the best place in the world for trustworthy AI”, as the Commission has noted recently. Thus, the so-called AI factories will bring together vital ingredients for successful AI’s industry: i.e. computing power, data and talented researchers. The “factories” will assist the AI developers “train their large generative AI […]
Global Higher Education Sustainability Initiative
Views: 75The High-Level Political Forum on sustainable development, HLPF is the central global platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs and rethinking higher education for sustainable future. Recent US Project-2025 initiates some actions to facilitate educational reforms.
Artificial intelligence for sustainability: education and skills
Views: 57The United Nations Higher Education Sustainability Initiative, HESI initiated a Global Forum-2024 on “The Future of Higher Education for Sustainable Development”. This annual HESI event was held in New York in mid-July as a special conference devoted to coming this fall the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the UN’s main platform for reviewing […]