AI legislation in Europe and prohibited AI practices: Commission’s new guidelines

Views: 11In the beginning of February 2025, the Commission published guidelines providing an overview of AI practices that are regarded as unacceptable and prohibited due to their potential risks to the EU-wide values and fundamental rights. As soon as the prohibited practices are too complicated to comprehend, the Commission has prepared draft guidelines, which are […]

AI in Europe and the world: legal and executive factors

Views: 9During last decade, i.e. mainly from 2018, the EU institutions have been approaching the burning artificial intelligence (AI) issues. The “accommodation” process has been quite active: from the initial “declaration of cooperation” with the EU member states and serious funding to several AI Alliance assemblies to a Union-wide strategy on AI and European AI […]

The EU maintains coordinated policies to protect consumers online and offline

Views: 5On the World Consumer Rights Day (15 March) the Commission underlines the need to ensure proper consumers’ rights implementation and enforcement, improving digital fairness through and addressing existing gaps. Efficient consumer policy can make a tangible difference in people’s lives and help ensure a level playing field for businesses, showing the added value of […]

Strengthening finances and digital currency: global and EU’s vision

Views: 7The EU-27 is regarded as one of the world’s leaders in both providing and attracting investments; however, modern changes in geopolitics require a profound understanding of all the potential risks involved. Hence, the EU is assessing the region’s investment in key technology areas, such as semiconductors, AI, quantum technologies and crypto currencies in order […]

Consumer protection in the EU: screening online traders

Views: 9In order to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market (based on a high level of consumer and environmental protection) and making progress in the green transition, the consumers shall be fully informed on purchasing conditions. In March 2024, the new directive obliged the member states by March 2026 to adopt necessary […]

Developmental transition: global-national priorities through ESG and AI approaches

Views: 20Modern national growth concepts tend to include the ESG approaches, which are composed of environmental, social and governance components. Within this triangle, the governance often becomes a priority, particularly in the business sectors, in digital transition and data management. For the whole process to be successful, “managing” existing volumes and complexities of information becomes […]

World Economic Forum-2025: collaboration in a digital age

Views: 133World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at the end of January 2025 is devoted to some of the most pressing contemporary issues: from trust in public institutions and transforming global economy to modern resilient societies and innovative global partnerships to “safeguarding the planet” and corporate transformations in the digital, as WEF called it, the “intelligent […]

European AI legal standardization involves about 700 companies

Views: 64The European AI law is the first set of rules in the world aimed at regulating digital infrastructures, including virtual assistants, large language models, AI and ChatGPT, etc. Although it was published last August, the regulation will apply gradually: e.g. some AI provisions already from August 2024, the general-purpose AI rules – a year […]

European AI factories: using massive computing facilities

Views: 49The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking, EuroHPC has selected seven proposals to establish and operate the first AI Factories across Europe. This is a major milestone for Europe in building a thriving digital system to train advanced AI models and develop AI solutions. AI models and systems are expected to develop the EU-wide […]

First risk assessment under the Digital Service Act

Views: 52The providers of the first 19 very large online platforms (VLOPs) and very large search engines (VLOSEs) designated in April 2023 must publish their annual risk assessment and audit reports for the first time, under the Digital Services Act (DSA). The reports shall include such aspects of their services as e.g. dissemination of illegal […]