Commission’s “State of the Union”: European integration priorities for 2022

Views: 124European Commission President’s second in her College time “State of the Union” address to the European Parliament this fall featured EU’s recommendations for the states in “redesigning” further integration process and increasing EU’s role in the world. The annual seemingly modern “reset-priorities” for the next year include some existing directions, like combating covid-pandemic’s threats, European […]

European green deal and climate regulations: effects for the member states

Views: 117Recent EU political agenda is aimed at highlighting sustainability in national political economy to a new level: including, in particular, climate mitigation measures (to reach for a climate-neutral EU by 2050) and the “green deal” package; both are forcing the member states to be more active in approving corresponding actions. The EU states governance’s […]

Sustainability in modern political economy: resolving pressing issues

Views: 86The old “political-economy’s” paradigm is facing dramatic challenges: with the two spheres of science involved (i.e. economics and political science), the concept is being “refurbished” towards closer and inherent “unified connections” between the two to concentrate on the most optimal national growth models and peoples’ wellbeing. The latter in particular, is becoming a common […]

Combating money laundering: new EU efforts

Views: 69Serious gaps concerning money laundering existed for a long time in the EU legal framework; now the Commission adopted a draft of regulatory package to plug these gaps. So far, existing varied rules in different EU states on money laundering (ML) have been largely ineffective, costly and without much success. New measures would include […]

Inequality and social exclusion in Europe and globally

Views: 35The level and trends in inequality include numerous parameters, i.e. personal income before and after taxes/transfers, average and median household disposable incomes, relative poverty rates and poverty gaps, to name a few. Besides, there is another important part in combating inequality dealing with the “social exclusion”, i.e. inequality among different groups of citizens. So-called […]

First European PPP financing in the Baltics: improving transport facilities

Views: 86The European Investment Bank, EIB decided to finance the design, construction and maintenance of a bypass of the 17.5 km to the stretch of the E67/A7 motorway that currently passes through the municipality of Kekava. The project also includes four major grade-separated interchanges and sections with lanes for local traffic; all the works are […]

Product safety in the EU: consumer’s protection shall be extended

Views: 73Protection of the EU’s consumers is going to be more efficient by updating and modernizing existing rules in line with the modern digital challenges. The direction of changes would fit into the consumers’ increased expectations for goods and services’ quality with the corresponding changes in the national economies. With the support of the EU […]

Corporate taxation: European and global challenges

Views: 62It has been generally acknowledged that both the sources of international tax system during the last century and some basic concepts of tax residence have been outdated. Business practices are now regularly carried out in “favourable” states without being physically present; the digital transition in economies has also led to new opportunities in manipulating […]

Baltic electro-energy issues: good for business and communities

Views: 40As the so-called EU’s “energy island”, the Eastern-Baltic region consists of three EU member states; it is now being connected to other EU states through recently established electricity lines in Poland (LitPol Link), Sweden (NordBalt) and Finland (Estlink 1 and Estlink 2), all built with the EU support. For historical reasons, the Baltic States’ […]

European climate-neutral industry: new requirements for the member states’ governance

Views: 90In the recently announced targets for reaching carbon neutrality by the mid-century, most developed countries (representing about 80 percent of the global economy), revealed a comprehensive set of new political economy’s instruments, often called “green industrial strategy”, to trigger the necessary mechanisms within both the zero-carbon energy sources and production across all development sectors. […]