Views: 46Newly adopted amendments to the guidelines on regional state aid will allow the EU member states to increase support for developing the so-called critical technologies in the less advantaged European regions. The amendments will also enable investments in clean- and bio-technologies, digital and deep-technology sectors in view of strengthening European competitiveness and preserving cohesion […]
Category: Analytics
Renew Europe: facing EP’s elections and formulating perspective political agenda
Views: 50Renew Europe is the third largest group in the European Parliament with 101 members of the Parliament, MEPs (out of 720 total) with participants from 23 EU members states defending European-wide values and liberal principles.
European Parliament elections: the EU’s legislative branch perspectives
Views: 29For three days this month- between 6 and 9 of June- millions of European citizens in 27 member states are taking part in electing more than seven hundred EU-wide members of the parliament showing their interests in “shaping European future”. The EU-wide direct elections of the European Parliament as one of the most vital […]
Infringement decisions in Europe: complying with the Union’s law
Views: 35In its regular package of infringement decisions, the European Commission pursues legal action against EU member states for failing to comply with their obligations under the Union’s law. These decisions, covering various sectors and EU policy areas, aim to ensure the proper application of EU law for the benefit of citizens and businesses. The […]
Clean technologies in European manufacturing: vital legal measures
Views: 68The EU legislative institutions adopted recently the Net-Zero Industry Act, NZIA which is aimed at strengthening the member states’ manufacturing capacities in key clean technology sectors. By creating a unified and predictable business environment for the clean-tech manufacturing, the NZIA increases the competitiveness and resilience of the EU’s industrial base, supports quality jobs creation […]
European artificial intelligence: a special AI office in action
Views: 53The AI Office is going to enable and activate the future AI development and use in a way that fosters societal and economic benefits and innovation, while mitigating risks. The Office will play a key role in the AI Act’s implementation, specifically in the general-purpose AI models. The office will coordinate the development the […]
Decarbonized gases and hydrogen in the EU: recent reforms
Views: 32Present electricity and gas market reforms in the EU member states are aimed at boosting the development of hydrogen and other decarbonised gases and sources. These reforms highlight European determination to pursue the clean energy transition and at the same time enhancing security of supply and consumer protection; the reforms are based on the […]
Extraordinary supporting measures in decarbonization: French example
Views: 46The European Commission has approved a €4 billion French scheme to support national measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing sector and help the country’s transition path towards a net-zero economy; the measures are in line with the EU-wide Green Deal Industrial Plan. The national scheme is also vital in supporting […]
Critical raw material supply chains in Europe
Views: 32The entry into force of the European Critical Raw Materials Act, CRM it is vital step in the EU-wide efforts aimed at ensuring diverse, secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials for the member states’ industrial development. For example, secured access to critical raw materials is essential for such strategic sectors as clean […]
Carbon neutral sources of energy: European vision
Views: 20According to the EU ambitious plans, the member states should transform national economies in line with the EU-wide integrated approaches using sufficient instruments and promoting the most energy efficient and renewable source for all developmental sectors. Besides, the approach will be supplemented by promoting a system efficiency leading to a reduction of energy required […]