Posts by Eugene Eteris:

Energy and environmental issues: vital parts in the European integration

Views: 63Climate, energy and environment are most vital issues in the member states’ recovery and resilience programs. National policies towards necessary reforms are usually centered on sustainability, environment and energy safety requirements. Underlining such priorities as the “end-of-life-product” management, the reduction of hazardous substances, extended energy and producer’s responsibility, as well as the environmental protection […]

Baltic electro-energy issues: good for business and communities

Views: 40As the so-called EU’s “energy island”, the Eastern-Baltic region consists of three EU member states; it is now being connected to other EU states through recently established electricity lines in Poland (LitPol Link), Sweden (NordBalt) and Finland (Estlink 1 and Estlink 2), all built with the EU support. For historical reasons, the Baltic States’ […]

European climate-neutral industry: new requirements for the member states’ governance

Views: 90In the recently announced targets for reaching carbon neutrality by the mid-century, most developed countries (representing about 80 percent of the global economy), revealed a comprehensive set of new political economy’s instruments, often called “green industrial strategy”, to trigger the necessary mechanisms within both the zero-carbon energy sources and production across all development sectors. […]

The EU’s vision for a modernized political economy: Porto Declaration-2021

Views: 48European unity and solidarity is at the heart of a EU’s regional distinctive “social market economy’s” model with a social cohesion and a drive for prosperity. Accelerated transition in green and digital growth, supported by a massive European investment and associated reforms, will firmly put the member states on the path towards a fair, […]

Carbon border adjustment mechanism: assisting European business

Views: 64In the Commission’s communication to the member states concerning the “European Green Deal” (December 2019), in which among numerous aspects in reaching the “deal”, the carbon border adjustment mechanism, CBAM for selected economic-industrial sectors has been revealed. The EU has increased efforts to make a climate-neutral continent by 2050, which could however be undermined […]

European economic recovery: attention to financial issues

Views: 63European Commission, together with other Union’s institutions, monitor correct and prevent problematic socio-economic trends in the member states’ development. This task becomes even more important in the process of states’ recovery and resilience plans in the post-pandemic period with important financial aspects involved. The EU-27 are anxious to receive the pre-financing as fast as […]

“Blue economy”: new trends in national growth and business

Views: 138Blue economy comprises economic activities connected to oceans, seas and/or coastal areas. It gives work to about 5 million people in the EU member states in such sectors as fishing, shipping, ports, shipyards and tourism. Seas and oceans are not only a vital part of the blue economy: they also produce half of the […]

Recovery assistance to the EU states: first beneficiaries

Views: 77The REACT-EU (Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe) package is one of the largest programs under new Next Generation EU financial instrument in the amount of € 47.5 billion. The package is additional to the EU’s cohesion allocations for 2021-27, making the EU Structural and Investment Funds the highest single-policy grant […]

Universities for SDGs implementation: first global forum’s ideas

Views: 317Sustainable growth has become an important part of the modern political economy: a vital component in policy’s transformation is education and teaching sustainability. To make this teaching meaningful and in line with the socio-economic needs, new forms of teaching and learning are necessary to deal with SDGs complexities, ambiguities and often uncertainties. Old patterns […]

Energy labels and ecodesigns in the EU: new rules

Views: 180To help EU consumers cut their energy bills and carbon footprint, a new version of the widely-recognised EU energy label will be applicable in all shops and online retailers from March 2021. The new labels will initially apply to four product categories – fridges and freezers, dishwashers, washing machines, and television sets (as well […]