European political guidance in development: next five years

Views: 14After the present European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected for a second term in the office this July, she revealed the next EU-wide political guidelines for 2024-2029 and defined a set of collective objectives for the years to come with clear targets and priority areas. Facing the greatest challenges, the guidelines […]

Abuse of dominant position: the European approaches to increase competition

Views: 18The European Commission has launched a public consultation among all interested parties to discuss the draft guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominant position; the previous guidelines adopted about two decades ago seemed quite outdated. Commission is planning to finalize the redrafted guidelines on “exclusionary abuses” on the basis of acquired comments by the end […]

CMU and financial market’s perspectives: infringement procedures

Views: 14The European Commission is planning to hold an EU-wide discussion on capital markets union issues, which will take place against the background of the capital markets union’s objectives, as well as the urgent regional problems in competitiveness and preservation of financial stability. The discussions will bring together market participants across the entire spectrum: e.g. […]

European capital markets union: investment perspectives

Views: 10Capital markets union (CMU) is becoming an EU-wide sub-union’s entity dealing with the financial market issues, as well as a most vital part of the European integration processes. The CMU is a complex structure which includes, e.g. banks, securities, insurance and pensions, as well as financial and non-financial corporations. Peoples’ savings grow in importance; […]

European AI regulation: world’s first law in digital transition

Views: 39The world’s first comprehensive regulation on artificial intelligence will enter into force in Europe by August 2026; some parts of it will be in the law already from February and August 2025. The AI Act is designed to ensure that AI models are developed and used in a trustworthy manner, with safeguards to protect […]

AI perspectives: pros and cons

Views: 13In numerous circumstances and occasions the AI performance is much better than that of humans. At the same time, there are many “issues” where AI is lagging behind. Although presently the generative AIs are widely used in numerous human activities, a couple of American researchers noted that “generative AI had a long way to […]