Education and training in the EU for 2024: new initiatives

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With a budget of €4.3 billion for 2024, the Erasmus+ program will support transnational experiences of school pupils, students in higher education, as well as vocational education and training. The program also offers numerous opportunities to adult learners, educators, teaching staff and young people in non-formal learning programs.   

  The Commission launched the call for proposals for 2024 under the Erasmus+ according to the Commission’s working program for 2024. Besides, the Commission is preparing the mid-term evaluation of the ongoing program for 2021-27 and the evaluation of the previous program for 2014-20. Public consultation is launched EU-wide in all official EU languages to collect views of citizens and organisations on Erasmus+ and will run until 8 December.
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  Total EU budget available for Erasmus+ during 2021-27 amounts to €26.2 billion, complemented with some €2.2 billion from EU’s external instruments. The Erasmus+ program has already benefited over 14 million people since 1987, through participation in various education, training, and youth mobility activities.

The ideas for 2024
Cooperation activities under Erasmus+ continue to bring people and organisations together to work on the program’s four overarching key priorities: inclusion, active citizenship and democratic participation, green and digital transitions.
In 2024, the program will offer stronger incentives for sustainable travel; it will be presented as a default option, with participants from remote areas, islands or places with insufficient rail networks getting adequate compensation for using those sustainable modes of travel. For the first time, travel contributions will also be offered for intra-European higher education mobility. This will ensure more uniform funding rules across all sectors.
Cooperative activities can range from supporting small-scale projects at local level to transnational initiatives such as the European Universities, dedicated to transnational alliances of universities, the Centers for Vocational Excellence, and the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies. These initiatives are playing a leading role in the green and digital transitions of education and training systems.

    Erasmus+ will also continue its key role in promoting common EU values: hence, all program beneficiaries and the activities they implement will comply and promote the values of human dignity and rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law.
Under this Erasmus+ call for project applications, any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport can apply for funding either via Erasmus+ National Agencies (in all EU states and countries associated to the program) or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Additional information on proposals in the Erasmus+ guide in all official languages at:

More information for interested partners in the following Commission’s websites: = 2024 Erasmus+ work program; = 2024 Erasmus+ call for proposals; = 2024 Erasmus+ program guide; = Factsheet on new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 program; and = Skills and Talent Mobility.

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