Views: 59The Commission started the second-stage consultation with the social partners in the member states on a possible revision of the European Works Councils Directive – the first-stage took place in April; so far the Commission received replies from eleven social partners. The general idea of the new consultation is towards further EU-wide actions on […]
Month: July 2023
Essential services in the EU states’ governance
Views: 83Critical entities provide essential services in upholding key societal functions, supporting the economy, preserving the environment, ensuring public health and safety, etc. European Commission has adopted a list of essential services in the eleven sectors covered by the Critical Entities Resilience Directive (CER), which entered into force on 16 January 2023.
Green transition: Europeans view the perspectives
Views: 56Over half of Europeans think that transition to a green economy should be accelerated regardless of the increasing energy price and concerns over reduced Russian gas supplies. Most people believe that climate change is a serious problem; but two-thirds agree that: a) the cost of damage due to climate change is much higher than present level […]
Civil law in Europe: expecting fundamental changes
Views: 56Legal practitioners have to find innovative solutions to resolve newly appeared situations in the European life: i.e. in accessing a foreign law, addressing administrative procedures in another EU states, facing unknown foreign legal situations, etc.
Fading European economy’s motor: frightening deindustrialization in Germany
Views: 59Recent article in Politico revealed some frightening for the EU-wide growth signs of economic decline in Germany. The main reason is a “toxic mixture” of such new factors in contemporary growth as high energy costs (though in some EU states energy prices have already fallen to pre-2012 levels), skilled-worker shortages and red tape, etc. […]
The Rule of Law-2023 report: yearly’s assessment and recommendations
Views: 59The rule of law is a key component of Europe’s just society, political stability and economic growth. The fourth annual “Rule of Law Report-2023” reveals legal development and the “rule of law” situation in the EU member states; we added an example for Latvia.
Corruption as a major problem in the European business
Views: 437Corruption is a serious problem that hampers corporate activity in the EU: about 65% of companies in the EU have regarded presently that corruption is a problem when doing business, though the extent of corruption varies considerably among the states.
European strategy for universities: progress and perspectives
Views: 60Since the end of 2017, the EU institutions and the member states’ governance have elaborated a number of initiatives (following the Gothenburg Summit) aimed at reforming the EU-wide vision for education and culture. Thus, the European strategy for universities aims at supporting and enabling universities to adapt to changing conditions, to thrive and to […]
Modern transitions in business and due diligence
Views: 61The European Union sends a warning signal – “no more business as usual”; thus, to produce goods and services companies have to respect sustainability, environmental quality, human health, bio-diversity, etc.; hence, new rules in entrepreneurship shall be introduced. However, some stumbling blocks are still tarnishing present progressive moves including corporate governance resistance to changes; […]