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Reuters’ NEXT global forum is an interesting, noble though complicated initiative in a set of a world-wide network contemplating modern challenges. However, it is a timely one at the right moment with present global and regional problems with enormous geo-transformations and calamities. Four key themes are in the forum’s agenda: leadership in times of instability, economy and inflation, climate and sustainability, and digital disruption.
Previous, second in line, forum at the end of 2021 gathered more than 180 speakers across 100+ live sessions, led by Reuter’s global newsroom and Reuters Events. The third forum will take place during the end of November and beginning of December 2022 in New York City, USA.
The Reuter Forum’s message is clear: “building a better world, we must transform the ways in which we understand business, policy, society, and the environment” acknowledges the forum’s webpage. It also adds a valuable note: “thinkers and doers must come together to share ideas, collaborate and act”.
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Reuters’ NEXT global forum
Building a better world requires both a general understanding of the state-of-art in modern political economy (both global and national) and already occurring transformations in peoples’ perceptions, consumption patterns and working habits, etc. Besides, changes in business and entrepreneurship inspired by sustainability pleas, climate and digital transformations have already seriously affected national priorities. Contemporary “revolutions” in technology and innovation, in education and skills, in decision-making and management, etc. are calling for a new vision for all sorts of modern transformations’ processes: i.e. in societies, political and economic elites and businesses.
The Forum provides “forward thinkers and global leaders in business, policy, and beyond” a feasible platform to discuss and share ideas for solving present problems. Hence, the main idea of the “Reuters NEXT” as the global forum for world leaders, innovators, CEOs, and policy makers “to dissect the crucial challenges facing our world and finding solutions to power a better tomorrow”. At a time of vital geo-political shifts, Reuters Forum suggests to examine most burning topics from different perspectives, bringing passion, experience and expertise to forge a new path forward.
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It is definitely a high time to attract attention at modern “global issues” in dramatically changing and diversified socio-political agendas with so varied recovery approaches, strategies and priorities around the world that it makes almost impossible to find some “common denominators”. However, the “sub-regional” approach in the forum’s structure could be a feasible solution to make the event successful, with a due attention on implementation of SDGs and circular economy’s priorities. All that, of course, shall be discussed with a proper attention to “renewals” in already transformative concept of modern political economy, with the examples from the European Union.
The following are the most vital directions in discussions:
= Bio-economy: politico-economic decision
Bio-economy, generally, is defined as economic activities based primarily on biogenic instead of fossil resources; it offers potential solutions for developing materials that are easier to recycle and reuse. However, potential sustainability trade-offs due to land and water use and impacts on biodiversity need to be addressed by both politicians and economists.
In particular, the decision-makers and governance institutions have to concentrate opportunities and trade-offs that the bio-economy could play for a sustainable growth and national recovery and resilience plans.
= Green transition, innovation and business
Small businesses in the world (deemed to have a limited negative ecological impact) are contributing presently about 60-70 percent to total industrial pollution. However, innovative SMEs and start-ups can play a key role in the development of new technologies and business models for the green transition.
Sovereign debts accumulated during the pandemic, the traditional barriers to SMEs in dealing with green technologies, and high energy prices recently are likely to constrain both SMEs innovative and research activities (e.g. in new business models) and practical adoption of green technologies.
Hence politico-economic elites have to figure out specific measures to support SMEs in national recovery/resilience plans and eliminate barriers to “green innovation” in SMEs in the context of SDGs.
= The role of science
The process of SDG implementation and ambitious 2050 net-zero targets adopted by many countries (in particularly in EU-27) and other global/regional challenges, etc. highlighted the exceeding role of all sectors of natural, exact and social sciences, technology and innovation in national recovery-resilience strategies.
As a rule, it is a so-called mission-oriented innovation approach in national governance (defined as cross-sectoral and coordinated policy package designed to address properly defined strategic societal challenges in a short- and long-term timeframe) that is going to play an important role in achieving all ambitious goals.
Cooperation in the scope of “International Science, Technology and Innovation, ISTI, as well as innovative open science approach underpinned the international response that contributed to the post-pandemic period and national recovery-resilience’s process. ISTI co-operation could also help address global environmental challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss, by pooling limited domestic science and innovation resources, promoting knowledge exchange and diffusion of green technologies.
However, it is the national political economy’s elites that have to analyse existing and future challenges and opportunities for digital and green transition, science innovation and key directions in national resilience.
= Energy and (new) renewables
Presently, governments support the development of low-carbon hydrogen, which occupies a vital room in national resilience plans in several countries and it is a key technology in net-zero emission scenarios by 2050. Low-carbon hydrogen could be used as feedstock for heavy industries, fuel for transport vehicles, and as storage for electricity produced from intermittent renewable energy sources.
However, several economic and technological barriers hinder its adoption; hence the national governance has to explore the role of low-carbon hydrogen in the net-zero transition considering the implications of the renewed urgency to decrease dependency on imported natural gas.
The Green Institute initiated a series of international conferences on SDG issues: the last one in November is about “feasible roadmaps for sustainable communities”, coped with a previous, just a month ago, conference on other vital SDGs achievements. It is good that the Green Institute (and such venues as the Reuters’ NEXT global forum) keeps researchers in a constant alert about new visions for perspective implementation of goals and targets in sustainability and in resolving global challenges.