Regional and local authorities in adaptation to climate change

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This June, new EU states’ regional and local authorities joined European adaptation measures to climate change within the “Mission Implementation Platform”, which will be operational in early 2023. The regional entities will get assistance in developing pathways towards climate resilience while having access to the EU-climate data and methodologies for climate risk assessments; besides they will receiving tailor-made guidance on effective adaptation measures.

In March 2022, the Commission launched an invitation to EU regions and local authorities to join the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change. During four months the EU member states made resolute efforts to adapt their developmental policies to climate change.
The Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change started in September 2021 with the adoption of a Communication on EU Missions followed by the approval of the Missions’ individual implementation plans. There are four other EU missions: – covering global challenges in the areas of climate-neutral and smart cities, – restoring ocean and waters, – national healthy strategies, and – cancer-control measures.
Then, a dedicated Work Program for Horizon Europe Missions was published on 15 December 2021, which included financial allocation for tenders in all four EU missions.
More on tenders in:

Recently adopted EU missions are aimed at supporting all other sustainable Commission’s priorities, such as the European Green Deal, Europe fit for the Digital Age, Beating Cancer and the New European Bauhaus, etc.

Mission’s Charter signed
This June, the European Commission announced the first 118 regions and local authorities that will participate in the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change, the so-called Mission Adaptation, which will support the European Green Deal and the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy. These regions and local authorities signed the Mission Charter (7 June 2022) at the Committee of the Regions’ first Forum of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change; further 17 private companies, service centers, research networks and local action groups active in improving climate resilience will endorse the Charter and become friends of the Mission.
The 118 signatories come from 18 EU member states, with 6 more parties coming from countries associated or potentially associated with the Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation program.
Climate change is already taking its toll in the European states: from deadly heat waves and devastating droughts to wildfires and coastlines eroded by rising sea levels, etc. These changes affect not only the environment and economy, but also the health of European citizens.
The frequency and severity of climate and weather extremes is increasing; therefore, the states need to speed up governments’ solutions in order to build climate resilience.
Hence, the EU Mission Adaptation aims to support at least 150 regions and communities in accelerating their transformation towards climate resilience by 2030. It will help numerous European regions and local authorities to better understand and prepare for and manage climate risks, as well as to develop innovative solutions to build resilience.

Funding and supporting measures
The Mission Adaptation will receive €370 million of Horizon Europe funding for the period 2021-23. The research and innovation actions will address rebuilding areas impacted by extreme weather events, restoring floodplains, vertical farming, prototype insurance approaches, or creating a ‘perfectly adapted’ city ready to withstand a storm or heat wave.
There is also a possibility to build joint initiatives with other EU Missions and programs; the Mission also provides networking opportunities, exchange of best practices between regions and local authorities and support programs to engage citizens in building resilience facilities.
The Commission and the Committee of the Regions encourage other applicants from all EU member states to become new signatories. This will allow for the broadest uptake of adaptation measures in Europe and lead the way towards the European-wide climate-resilient future.

The EU Adaptation Mission will put EU regions and local authorities at the forefront of innovation in Europe’s transition to becoming a more resilient continent. By joining the Mission, the member states can gain access to the full potential of the EU-wide research and innovation and accelerate the transition of socio-economic solutions for the benefit of societies.
Ultimately, the Mission is going to show millions of European citizens that a green, clean, and healthy future is really possible in each state, region and city.

More information in the following Commission’s websites: = EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change; = Factsheet: Mission Adaptation to Climate Change; =Adaptation to Climate Change; = EU Adaptation Strategy; and = EU Missions in Horizon Europe


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