Views: 464The European Investment Bank has announced the conclusion of three financing agreements (28.06.2022), with the support of the EU and guaranteed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments, EFSI for installing three floating offshore wind farms off the French Mediterranean coast. These projects will help accelerate energy transition in France and foster procurement of […]
Month: June 2022
Most livable cities in Europe and the world: hints for city’s strategists
Views: 65The Global Livability Index is an annual report made by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The latest 2022-Index has revealed top ten cities in the world; curiously enough, five best cities to live in are in Europe…
Tourism in EU: vital socio-economic sector facing modern challenges
Views: 69Perspective tourism and travel has to follow three main directions: be resilient, digital and sustainable; however, not all EU member states ready for such challenges. In June 2022, the Commission prepared an analysis of key figures and trends in European tourism, as well as existing and perspective ICT and digital tools in modern tourism’s […]
Shaping European future: STARTS program for science and art cooperation
Views: 58Art, culture and modern technology are actively entering the European integration process. Established six years ago, the program supports creation of regional centers (so-called “residences”) as catalysts of perspective cross-sectoral cooperation. It is expected that synergies between art, science and technology shall help in regional development on a social, ecological and economic level by […]
EU’s external trade: new aspects in development strategy
Views: 44Complexities of the European external trade and neighbors’ policy represent an important part of the broad and cross-sectoral European integration process. Both European states and various countries around the world urgently need positive investment initiatives: hence the EU starts using new investment facilities called “global gateway” to stimulate growth around the world.
Environmental protection: globally and in Europe
Views: 93Environmental global community celebrates these days the United Nations Environmental Program’s (UNEP) 50th anniversary. Global environmental governance system, regardless of all positive intentions, still lacks necessary strengths and capabilities to deal properly with one of the most complex and urgent problem. Some comparisons between the UNEP and EU on these issues can help to […]
European cultural heritage: digital dimension
Views: 43Facilitating cooperation in preserving European cultural heritage, both material and intellectual is among recent EU efforts. Researchers and museum professionals, artists and tourist operators, etc. shall be more active in safeguarding regional cultural heritage by enable easy access to cultural content and allowing future generations to enjoy it for years to come. These efforts […]
AI in education: contributing to a perspective ICT-infused world
Views: 56Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming slowly but permanently a vital component at all levels of education: i.e. with the help of modern ICT-technology and easily accessible multiple internet-based devises, the AIs assist school-children, students and working adults in developing their knowledge in a “personalised way”. New technologies and solutions that have already emerged during […]
Smart growth, artificial intelligence and business: EU and global perspectives
Views: 48Digitalisation, ICTs, artificial intelligence and sustainability (with some “smart growth and smart specialisation” ideas) are the issues on the table of most national decision-makers. Besides, these issues are somehow connected to business and entrepreneurship: without such closer connections it is almost impossible for any state to achieve a perspective socio-economic development.
Modernising energy systems in central and eastern European states
Views: 46The Modernisation Fund, MF is a recent European Union program to support 10 EU member states in the central and eastern parts (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) to meet EU-2030 energy targets by helping to modernise energy systems and improve energy efficiency. The MF operates under the […]