Urgent global and European “wood-forest-policy” challenge

Views: 60Modern national governances, among already existing global challenges, are facing another one which is spreading through the present decade: it is about deforestation, the challenge included into the UNEP’s “global forest plan” highlighting states’ contributions to scaling-up forest conservation/management projects and the states’ efforts in preventing deforestation. 

Social partners in recovery plans: Eurofund findings

Views: 81National recovery plans in the EU states are aimed at making their socio-economic development sustainable and resilient. Social partners in the member states were obliged to take an active part in preparing these plans in order to better prepare the states for tackling modern challenges and facilitate EU’s green and digital transition. However, social […]

European rules define new “digital revolution”

Views: 48Open, clear and harmonised obligations for digital platforms and users, including online intermediaries will be part of consumers and businesses in every-day’s existence. Thus, the “twin digital revolution”: i.e. combining provisions of the Digital Market Act (adopted this March) and the present Digital Services Act, DSA is sending a strong signal to the European […]

Political economy and business in the new century: challenges and outcomes

Views: 46Present global and European challenges, as well as post-pandemic turbulences and military conflicts around the world, have dramatically altered both existing national political economies’ patterns and functioning of businesses and corporate management. National governance has to tackle both: dealing with modern challenges and stimulating new business models’ development. Factors accompanying modern business transformation are […]

European energy and climate: incentives for growth and business

Views: 49Another “double strategy” –energy and climate -is being implemented in the EU-27 states’ national recovery: i.e. the two aspects in states priorities are, actually, closely integrated and interconnected. The strategy provides vital orientations for both national political economies’ priorities and for incentives in perspective business models: that is, climate and energy issues are becoming […]

EU-wide legal protection for local skills, crafts and industries

Views: 66The EU is already having specific protection mechanism for agro-food products, so-called geographical protection, GI. However, the industrial and manufacturing sectors presently lack an EU-wide mechanism to protect “qualities” attributed to specific local skills and traditions relating to such crafts and industrial products as ceramics, glassware, clothing, lace, jewellery, furniture, knives, etc. The Commission […]

“Limits to growth” or limiting life-styles: lessons for the EU’s integration

Views: 54There are reasonable limits to everything; most people as consumers know this adagio quite well: in food and entertainment, in travel and luxuries, etc. On one side, national growth models have to sustain appropriate living standards for citizens; on another, continued scientific progress can promote an ever increasing level of prosperity. However, stopping economic […]

Regional development in the member states through EU’s assistance

Views: 48Reducing disparities in socio-economic development among the EU states and regions is an important issue in European integration. Therefore, the EU regional strategies form a vital part in the national recovery and resilience plans through the use of numerous funds supporting regional growth patterns. However, most often the local authorities do not have adequate […]

Climate neutrality for corporate and public entities: Commission takes the lead

Views: 45“Going green” is becoming challenging and prestigious for both businesses and public organisations, including central, regional and local governments in the EU-27. Main intention is to reduce negative “imprints” on environment, ecology and climate equilibrium. The European Commission, which has many premises in Belgium and other neighboring countries, is showing the optimal ways to […]